Chapter Thirty Four

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MY MOM STOOD OUTSIDE as Stephen pulled up at my house. I frowned slightly but gave him a small smile and kiss on the cheek. Walking up the path I stopped in front of her turning to give him a wave.

              "I told your father that you were at Dane's." My mom said softly giving me a slight smile. "He heard a man's voice answering the phone."

My cheeks instantly heated making her smile widen. "Thanks mom."

She nodded entering the house, I followed behind her closing the door softly. Entering the kitchen I found my dad at the table, papers scattered around him. He gave me a small smile before concentrating back on the papers.

Walking out of the back door I picked up my bag where I left it earlier. I grabbed a soda walking into my room. I quickly sorted through the clothes packing it away. When I'm done I switched on my laptop getting comfortable on my bed.

I was scrolling through Facebook when my bedroom door opened. Emma entered closing the door softly behind her. Closing my laptop I sat up giving her my full attention.

           "I think something's wrong." She said softly glancing around the room. "With mom I mean."

         "What do you mean?"

She's silent for a while collecting her thoughts. When she looked back up at me her eyes are filled with tears.

          "We went to Taylor's." I nod telling her to continue. "Dad asked me to watch the kids and they went into the house to talk. They were in there for about an hour before the came out. When I went to look for mom and Tyler I saw them crying. They said it was nothing but I just have this feeling."

Moving closer to her I pulled her in for a hug. There are a lot of things they could have talked about that made them cry. Mom seemed fine when she met me at the door earlier.

          "Everything will be okay." I smiled at her wiping the tears from her cheeks. "If it was something serious they would talk to us too, you know that."

          "Yes." Emma gave me a small but sad smile. "I just don't want anything to happen to anyone."

         "Nothing will." I messed up her hair giggling when she slapped me. "I took  some photo's for you."

We spend the rest of the night just talking about random things. I showed her the photo's I took promising that I will get some printed for her. When the clock struck ten Emma wished me a good night before going off to bed.

I laid on my bed for a few more minutes before getting up. My stomach grumbled reminding me that I only ate breakfast. As I entered the kitchen I stumbled slightly. Mom and dad sat at the table talking softly amongst themselves. It's a rare sight since my mom usually goes to bed just past eight.

They both looked up at me. I smiled awkwardly making my way to the fridge. Grabbing two slices of cheese and the sweet chili sauce. Putting the cheese on the bread I added the sauce before cutting it in small triangle's. I placed it in the microwave setting the timer before turning around.

            "Did you enjoy your holiday?" My dad asked softly leaning back in his chair.

I smiled taking a seat with them. Without missing a beat I told them everything I could about the beach and the house. Of course I didn't mention the incident at the mall, or Stephen and Nathan.

The timer went off drawing my attention. Standing I took the plate out of the microwave sitting at the table again. I offered both of them a piece which they declined.

           "Alia." My mom said softly. "We have to go out of town tomorrow."

           "We need you to watch your sisters." Dad leaned forward folding his hands together. "We'll be leaving early tomorrow morning and will be home late on Monday."

I blinked at them swallowing the bread and placing the piece I was eating back on the plate.

            "We wanted Tyler and Patrick to stay here with you but because of the complications in your sister's pregnancy, we don't want to risk anything." My mom paused giving my dad a pointed glare.

He sighed pressing his lips together his body tensing. "We don't want you girls to stay here alone."

He looked at my mom but her eyes narrowed making me frown. What's going on?

            "You're dating Stephen and although I really, really don't want to agree with your mother, I have to." Dad looked at me. "We will feel much better if he stays here with the three of you."

My heart skipped a beat, happiness filling me as I thought of him staying here.

           "If you need anything you can call Tyler and she will help where she can."

          "My deputy will be sleeping in Brad's old room."

He gave me a pointed stare making my cheeks heat in embarrassment. If only he knew I was in his bed a few hours earlier.

            "Okay." I paused looking down at the plate before glancing between them. "Is everything okay?"

Mom stood kissing the top of my head. "Everything is fine. I'm going to bed, it's way past my bedtime."

I should have laughed but I couldn't. Like Emma said earlier, she feels that something is wrong, and now after this talk, so do I.

          "I'll cal him and make arrangements." Dad stood too messing up my hair. "Get some sleep pumpkin."

I sat at the table for a few more minutes before getting up. Placing the plate in the microwave I switched off the light walking back to my room. Grabbing my nightclothes I got changed then climbed into bed. I switched off my lamp picking up my phone.

Is everything okay?

Stephen texted me about half an hour ago. I replied not saying anything about what my parents said. Dad said he will call him. We talked for a while more before saying goodbye.

I plugged my phone into the charger before turning onto my back. Sucking in a shaky breath I closed my eyes before opening them.

What are my parents hiding?


What do you think is wrong?

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