Chapter Four

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OKAY SO MAYBE TELLING Kate in that way, at school, wasn't the best idea. I actually thought she was going to faint, the way her face paled. Luckily she didn't, but let's just say I have a few bruises. Plus her screaming at me had us busted by one of the teachers, we were forced to stop the conversation.

Thankfully she didn't say anything to the others and we had a perfectly normal first day of school.

Though a few days later things between me and Kate is still dusty. She hasn't said a word to me, only if she has too. 

             "Alia! Your friend is here." My mom yelled from somewhere in the house.

Frowning I got off my bed stumbling slightly before making my way down the hall. Kate stood in the living room smiling at my mom. Her eyes snapped to me however, making me roll my eyes at her.

           "We'll be in my room." Smiling at my mom once again I walked the way back to my room.

Kate closed my bedroom door behind her turning to glare at me.

          "Have you taken it down?"

          "No." I sat on my bed crossed leg waiting for her to speak.

Instead she stormed over to my desk. I watched silently as she switched on the laptop.

         "I can't decide if your stupid or if you have a death wish." She mumbled softly making me frown. "Do you know how many girls get kidnapped like this?"

My chest tightened in fear. I should have though of that instead of doing something on a whim. There will always be regrets later on, of course I didn't think of it.

         "There is nothing out of sorts on the site. Everything looks legit." I said softly my eyes trained on her.

She sighs picked up my laptop and took a seat on the bed beside me. "There never is, it always looks legit even if it's fake shit."

A few minutes later and she's opening the site I had posted it on. Kate said nothing as she scrolled through the post then opening mine.

        "There's not much posts."

I nod trying to concentrate on the book I was reading before she arrived. It's no use however, what she said got to me and these different scenario's are playing around in my mind. Placing the bookmark between the pages I closed it setting the book on the bedside table.

          "Why did you do this?" Kate asked softly looking up at me.

I shrugged staring at the wall in front of me to avoid her gaze. "I'm tired of being the talk of town. Everywhere I go people stare, I can't even go to the mall without the word virgin following me."

Kate sighed but said nothing else. Instead she concentrated on the screen in front of her.

          "At least you didn't give away too much information, and you added a fake photo." She spoke up a few minutes later. "But I'm still taking it down."

Arguing with her will have no point so I leaned back against the wall closing my eyes. The sound of her typing is the only thing that could be heard in the room. I'm slowly starting to drift off when I heard her sharp in draw of breath.

          "What?" Her whole body had tensed, her face paling slightly.

She said nothing making the curiosity in me rise. Sitting up I glanced over her shoulder frowning when I saw nothing out of the ordinary. Opening my mouth I'm ready to ask her what's wrong when my eyes fell on the small icon.

The screen is open on my post or 'advertisement', in the corner at the right top is a little envelope emoji. There is a small red circle with the number one in it.

          "You got a reply." Kate whispered her hand gripping my arm.

        "What does it say?" 

We waited silently in anticipation as the message loaded. And when it finally opened a small gasp fell from my lips.

Does your father know what his little girl is up too?

Oh fuck! My breathing increased fear rushing through me at an alarming speed. If my father finds out about this, he will kill me. It will be a disgrace to my family, to our name.  

          "He send another message." Kate pulled my attention from my internal panic.

Meet me at Café Randé in half an hour.

Glancing at Kate I stood, no longer able to sit still. Maybe if I meet him then he won't tell me father. 

           "You're not really considering it are you?" Kate asked in outrage her face darkening. "God Alia how stupid are you! You just fucking advertised your virginity online on some bulges website that screams creepy. Now you want to meet some fucking stranger because he told you too."

           "He can go to my dad with this!" Her words stung but I have my own reasons. "Can you imagine what will happen if he finds out. I have to do this Kate."

Without waiting for a reply I walked toward my closet searching for a pair of jeans and a loose T-shirt. I quickly got changed pulling on my trainers.

Straightening I looked over at Kate. Her eyes caught mine and I felt my stomach tightening.

          "At least you're meeting at a public place, there will be people around. Just don't be stupid enough to follow him somewhere alone." She stood searching through her bag before handing me a small can.

          "Peppers pray, in case he tries something." Smiling slightly she rolled her eyes. "You have no regard what so ever for personal safety, so please just be careful."

I hugged her. Tears burned behind my eyes but I forced it back. This is not a goodbye. I will see her again tomorrow.

          "If I could I would go with you, but I need to get home. Just text me when you get there and when you get home safely." Kate said softly hugging me again before walking out of my room.

I heard her greet my mom before disappearing outside.

Sucking in a shaky breath I walked back to the bed.

How will I know who you are?

I typed and send it before I could change my mind waiting in fear for the next reply. It seemed to take longer and I feared that he won't answer me but he did.

When you get to the café tell the red headed waiter that you are there to meet Stephen.

Okay. I'm going to do this. I'm going to meet a stranger at a place I've never been before. I just hope I make it back home again.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now