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I HEARD HIS GROAN followed by a steady flow of curse words and a loud bang. Stifling a giggle stood making my way down the hall and into the living room. 

Stephen stood by the front door staring down at the wooden bowl that had fallen. He held his shoes in one hand, his jacket in the other. My eyes moved to the couch seeing the blanket folded neatly.

I sucked in a shaky breath before stepping forward. "Sneaking out on me? That's not very nice Daniels."

I heard his sharp intake of breath, watching as he dropped his shoes and jacket. Stephen stumbled back leaning his weight against the door as he stared at me with wide eyes.

        "It was real." The words fell from his lips in a whisper.

Ignoring him I walked into the kitchen switching on the kettle. I pulled some eggs from the fridge placing it on the island. When I glanced at him, he's still standing by the door.

           "Want some breakfast?"

Clearing his throat he straightened glancing around. He pulled on his shoes before looking at me.

            "I don't think that's a good idea." Stephen mumbled his eyes locking with mine. "I need to go."

           "So you can run away from me again?" My voice cracked slightly making me wince.

I don't want the emotions to get in the way. This is the first time I've seen him in two years. He's standing in my apartment. We need to talk whether he wants to or not, I need some answers!

            "It's for your own good."

I laughed spinning around to get a pan. Placing it on the stove I walked back to the fridge pulling out the milk.

           "That's your opinion." I shook my head slamming the bottle down on the counter. "Have you thought about me the day you decided to disappear?"

           "It's for you I walked out!" Stephen yelled taking a step forward.

          "Bullshit!" I walked towards him holding up a finger. "It was for you! You only thought about you the moment you left me in that hospital room. I needed you! I needed you there with me and you just left. You left me to suffer on my own!"

Tears dripped down my cheeks, my body shaking as I caught the sob wanting to escape. All those hurt I've felt the moment I finished that letter, returned ten folds. My chest feels like it's being stepped on by an elephant.

Stephen said nothing. Letting out another laugh I turned around walking back into the kitchen. Angrily cracking the eggs into a bowl, I added milk whisking it. I couldn't take his silence anymore. Slamming the  whisk down I stormed towards him.

           "How do you know?" I stopped in front of him. "How do you know what you did was the best? Best for me? You have no idea what the hell I went through! You have no idea how many times I cried myself to sleep. For you Stephen, I fucking cried for you!"


          "No!" I shook my head taking a step back. "I had to listen to what you had to say two years back so now you're going to listen to what I have to say!"

Before I could get another word out, Stephen moved. Cupping my cheeks he smashed his lips on mine. I moaned wrapping my warms around his neck. What are we talking again? I should be pushing him away, fighting against the attraction. But I can't, after so long he's here.

             "Alia." His hands dropped to my thighs hoisting me up.

I wrapped my legs around his  waist opening my mouth for his tongue to slip inside. A few seconds later my back hit the couch, his body coming down on top of mine. His lips left mine, trailing kisses down my neck making another moan escape.

Yet, as his hand slipped beneath my shirt, reality caught up.

          "Stephen, stop." I pushed against his chest.

Letting out a loud breath, he buried his face against my neck. With a shaky hand, I reached up burying my hand in his hair. It's just as soft as I remember, a little longer, but still as soft.

          "I-" He paused leaning up on his arm to stare down at me. "I knew that you needed me, but I couldn't stay. What happened Alia, it's was all my fault. My father-"

I placed my hand against his mouth, silencing him. Reaching up I wiped the tear falling from his eyes. Stephen's crying.

           "It wasn't your fault."

           "It was, it was! If I had ended things earlier he wouldn't have came for you. He hurt you because of me Alia! It's my fault." His voice cracked a sob falling from his lips. "I'm so fucking sorry."

Wrapping my arms around him, I pressed his face against my neck. I tried to blink the tears away, but they just kept falling. So that's why he left, why he wrote me that letter and gave me all those files.

          "It wasn't your fault." I whispered forcing his face up to catch his eyes. "I don't blame you, Stephen. I never have and I never will." 

          "I-I hurt you."

I shook my head fanatically leaning up to peck is lips. Then his nose, then his cheeks.

         "You didn't hurt me, Stephen."

He swallowed his red rimmed eyes trailing over my face. "Alia." 

         "You didn't hurt me!" I repeated with more force. "It wasn't you that did all those stuff. Stephen, it wasn't you who kidnapped me. Who kept me locked up. That man, he did it not you. Why can't you understand that?"

         "Because he's my father!" Stephen yelled moving to get up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck pulling him down. If he gets up now, he will leave and I will never see him again. I can't let that happen, I can't let him walk out of my life again.

            "Years ago you told me that he has never been a father to you. He treated you like shit, like a stranger. That man was never your father, he's not related to you other than being a sperm donor." I had his full attention on me now.

Reaching down I wiped the tears from his cheek giving him a small smile.

          "You have no relation to him. You didn't hurt me. You saved me."

With a strangled cry he leaned down capturing my lips with his. I can tasted our tears, felt all the pain and the love he's pouring into the kiss. I won't let him walk away from me again.

Not this time.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now