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MY BODY FEELS STIFF and sore. My head pounding slightly from the hits I took. Groaning I reached up to run a hand down my face, something pulled against the skin of my arm.

I opened my eyes, instantly closing them again. The light above me is shinning brightly, just like in that room. My heartbeat increased, breath speed up. Not again, please God, not again.


My body tensed eyes snapping open. Sucking in a shaky breath I slowly turned my head to the sound of the voice.

"Dad." My voice cracked, tears filling my eyes.

"Shh." He moved forward placing a shaky hand against my cheek, the other gripped my hand. "You're save. You're okay."

It wasn't a dream. Stephen was there, he killed his father. He saved us. Stephen saved us. More tears fell, the emotions flashing through my body is overwhelming. I don't know which is which, happiness. Sadness. Fear. Relief. So many.

I gripped my father's hand as I cried. I cried for the fact that he's here. I cried for the fact that I'm no longer locked in that house. That he won't touch me anymore. I cried because I'm save. Stephen saved me.

I'm free.


MY EYES SLOWLY FLUTTERED open as the dream started to fade. I sucked in a shaky breath glancing around the hospital room. My dad sat on the couch head hanging to the left, his chest rising and falling as he slept. He must be uncomfortable.

My eyes moved to the chair beside the bed. It's empty. Where's Stephen? Pushing myself up on my elbows, I bit my lip to keep myself from crying out. Everything hurts. I managed to sit up with my back against the pillows. Reaching up a shaky hand I pressed my fingers lightly against my eyes. It feels swollen, I pressed a little harder wincing as pain flashed through my face.

My eyes moved back to my father. I watched him with interest. He looks older, tired and thinner. His skin is pale, dark bags under his eyes. My eyes started filling with tears again as I thought of what they have been through. My family.

There's a soft knock on the door. I quickly wiped the tears from my cheeks watching as the door opened. A few seconds later a familiar face appeared. I smiled, watching as he glanced at my father before stepping inside.


"Hi, how are you?" Nathan stepped towards the bed with his hands behind his back.

I shrugged dropping my eyes to my lap. "I've been better."

"I just wanted to stop by and see how you're doing." He smiled rubbing the back of his neck. "And give you something."

Awkward silence followed. I shifted slightly in the bed glancing at my dad before looking back at him.

"Have you seen Stephen?"

His smile dropped. "Nope. I should get going."

Nathan stepped closer handing me a large brown, thick, envelope. And a smaller white one.

"This is only for you to read." His tone had changed. "Don't let anyone else read that."

With another smile he walked out of the room closing the door softly behind him. I turned the white envelope over finding my name scribbled in black ink. With a heavy heart I opened it pulling out the papers inside. Slowly unfolding it, I sucked in a shaky breath before reading.

My angel.

By the time Nathan gives you this letter, I'll be far away. This is hard, I have no fucking clue how to say this. I told you before that I'm not good at this shit.

Stay with me on this.

What I have put you and your family through is something I will never forget, or forgive myself for. I had a shitty childhood, you know some, but I haven't told you everything. I ignored my aunt's warnings because I didn't want to loose you. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I didn't want to give you up.

I should have listened to her. If I did, none of this would have happened.

I should probably start from the beginning? I had a sister, she was a year younger than me. We got separated in foster care. She got a home with an amazing family, I was happy for her.

When my father's wife got send to jail, he, he tracked her down. The bastard killed her because of what I did. It became a game for him, a sick fucking game. Everything I would get serious with someone, they would die. That's why I've never gotten serious with anyone.

Until you came along.

I blinked rapidly swallowing the lump in my throat. Glancing up at the ceiling for a few seconds I looked down at the paper again. Slowly turning the paper I continued to read.

The moment I saw you, I knew that I won't be able to let you go. You looked so fucking scared, but you showed up. I thought you were going to ditch me, but you didn't. You are strong, a fighter and I admire you for that.

I've made some bad mistakes in my life. But you were my best. I fought against the attraction, I told myself that you're better off without me, but I couldn't keep away. Then you asked me to help your friend. I couldn't refuse, it was the perfect excuse to be with you.

I love you so fucking much Alia Dune. No words will ever be able to describe how much.

What you have been through, I can't even began to imagine. All the pain you had to suffer... All because of me.

You probably hate me now. It's my fault Alia. Everything that has happened was because of me. Because I was too selfish to break things up. Because I kept on saying, 'just one more day'.

Then suddenly you were gone and it was too late. My fucking father did all those things to you because of me. Because of me.

I'm doing this because I know that it's best for you. You're better off without me there to put you in danger. You're life was better without me in it. I fucked it all up and I'm sorry.

Please take care of yourself. Your family will be there to support you, I know you will be okay. You're strong Alia, a fighter.

I'm so fucking sorry. I never meant for you to get hurt.

I love you.


Sniffing I wiped my nose with the back of my hand. Dropping the papers on my lap I picked up the brown envelope. My chest felt tight, I fought the tears trying to stop the sob from escaping. He can't do this to me. He can't just make this decision on his own!

I ripped the envelope open angrily pulling out the stack of papers. It took a while for it to make sense. Police files. I flipped open the first file slowly reading it. It's about that bastard's wife, all the evidence. Photo's, evidence found, statements from Nathan and someone else.

The next file is of his sister. The third of all the other girls that was killed. The fourth file is about his father, it's thicker than the others. More information about criminal dealing. I hesitated at the last file. I'm tired, my mind is ready to shut down. All I want to do is crawl into a hole and cry.

How can he do this to me?

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now