Chapter Nineteen

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THE PICTURES HAD SOMEHOW been deleted. From Facebook and every other social media it had been posted on.

I haven't seen Stephen in two weeks I miss him. My mom is almost her old self but my dad, my dad still treats me the same.

I decided to ride with Kate to school every morning instead of driving with my dad. It's embarrassing enough having my picture posted, I don't want to arrive at school in a police car.

The tests had blown over and it's nearing the first school break of the year. Although it will only be for a week, the week just after my birthday.

            "Honey, we're leaving now." My mom pushed my bedroom door open wider. "Your sister will stop by later to check on you."

             "Okay." I stood from my desk walking over to them.

She handed Sam over to me after kissing her cheek.

            "Don't let her stay up to late. You know how to make her bottle. Everything is-"

          "Mom." I gave her a small smile. "I've watched her before."

           "I know honey." She stepped forward kissing my forehead. "We'll be back just after ten, if something happens then call us."

A few minutes later my parents and my sister walked out of the house. There is some kind of meeting at her school, afterwards they are going out to eat. My mom asked me to watch Sam while they're at the meeting.

I closed my books walking out of my room into the kitchen. Grabbing the house phone I walled back into the living room. I placed Sam in the Bambo seat making sure she has some toys around her.

I sat on the ground folding my legs Indian style before dialing the number.


Why does he sound so breathless?

         "Hey, it's Alia." I said softly handing my sister a teeth ring.

There's a moment of silence before he spoke again. "Hi baby, what are you doing?"

          "I'm watching Sam, my parents are out."

         "Ah." He paused. "You haven't answered any of my text or calls."

        "I'm grounded." I sighed leaning back against the couch. "My dad took my phone and laptop, even my car keys!"

Stephen laughed making me smile.

          "When will you be free?"

          "In a few days."

Silence settled between us. Sam squealed loudly throwing the teeth ring. It flew across the floor making me sigh. I got up picking it up before walking to the kitchen. I washed it walking back into the living room.


          "Mm?" I heard papers shuffling then a chair creaking.

         "What are you doing?"

         "I'm getting some paperwork done." He cursed slightly a loud bang heard on his side. "Fucking Nathan."

I laughed my eyes suddenly filling with tears as I though of being there with him. When will I see him again? Will I ever see him again?

             "I miss you." I whispered wiping my cheek with the back of my hand.

I heard his sharp in take of breath. "I miss you too, baby."

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now