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LEANING BACK IN THE chair I let out a low groan as my back cracked. Sitting in front of the computer for two hours really leave you stiff.

Shutting it down I stood making sure the windows are locked. I stepped out of the room closing the door softly behind me. The house is dark apart from the few night lights hanging here and there. There's not a room in the house that is dark. Something Alia made sure of.

Shaking my head I walked into the kitchen stopping when I saw Alia standing at the counter.

"Alia?" I stepped forward making her head snapped up. "What's wrong?"

Her hands are gripping the counter top tightly, face pale and eyes flashing in pain.

"I think." She paused eyes locking with mine. "My water just broke."

My eyes widened a wave of panic flashing through me. "Okay, okay."

The rush to the hospital was a blur. I remember running upstairs to get her bag, then calling Patrick as I ushered her into the car. At the hospital we were ushered to a private room with our doctor asking questions.

I told them that the baby is coming to earlier but they pushed the worries away. They asked Alia is they should give her something for the pain but she denied it. Wiping her forehead with a damp cloth I whispered soothing words.

About eight hours later Alia is screaming and crying as she gripped my hand tightly. It feels like my bones are crushing from her tight hold.

"Okay he's coming. When tell you too, I need you to take a deep breath and push." The doctor spoke up from between her legs giving Alia an encouraging smile.

We have went to those classes for first time parents the moment we found out that she's pregnant. This time though I made an doctor's appointment, there has been regular appointments after that.

Although there are still some things she's scared of doing, Alia has returned to her old self. She's quieter in some aspects, cautious in others, but she has been doing great.

"Breathe baby." I smiled at her wiping the hair from her damp forehead.

Her eyes narrowed on me. "Don't tell me to fucking breath. This is your fault! You had to stick your dick in me without any fucking protection."

I blinked. Taylor laughed making me glare at her.

"It takes two to tango Mrs. Daniels." I muttered placing a kiss against her forehead.

The doctor said something, but her words are drowned out by the loud cry. I watched as she held up a squirming red body.

"Your son." She held him out to Alia so she could see. "I'll have one of the nurses clean him then you can feed him. Either way we have to wait for his sister to make her way into the world."

Yup. We're having twins.


THE ROOM IS SILENT, Alia's breathing is steady where she sleeps in the hospital bed. Everyone left about half an hour ago after the nurse threatened them. I smiled as my eyes trailed over her.

She looks so fucking beautiful. She's all mine. My wife. There's a soft knock on the door, a second later it's pushed open revealing two nurses. Each held a squirming baby in their arms.

"Sorry to disturb, but these two are hungry." The older nurse smiled glancing down at the babies.

I stood holding out my hands. She handed over my little girl, the other nurse walking over to the bed. I watched as Alia sat up against the pillows taking the other baby. The nurses gave us another smile before walking out, door closing softly behind them.

Stepping closer to the bed, I watched as she pulled her gown down exposing one breast. Guiding the little boy's face closer, he instantly latched onto the nipple sucking eagerly. Alia smiled down at him stroking his cheek with a single finger.

I sat down in the chair again shifting the baby slightly in my arms. She stared up at me with sleepy eyes, her face red from crying.

"Hey baby." I whispered as he hand clasped around my finger. "Are you hungry? Mommy's going to feed you soon."


I looked up my eyes locking with hers before dropping. My body tightened, dick pressing painfully against my jeans. Standing I walked over to the bed handing our little girl over to her. I guided her face to Alia's breast like she had done earlier. Her lips closed around the nipple, sucking just like her brother.

What a fucking sight.

"You're getting turned on aren't you?" Alia questioned making my eyes snap up to hers. "Right?"

Rolling my eyes I took a seat on the edge of the bed trying to keep my eyes locked on hers. It lasted about a second before dropping to her chest again. There's just something about watching our babies feeding.


"We need to name them." She said softly shifting slightly. "I'll name the boy and you name the girl."

I smiled shifting closer. Yes, we need to name our children. That's the difficult part.

"Okay." I looked up at her, our eyes locking.

Her cheeks are flushed pink, eyes slightly darkened. My smile widened making her role her eyes.

"What will you name her?" Alia asked before I could say anything making me chuckle.

I stared at our baby girl for a few seconds, different names flashing through my mind. Some are from the baby books Tyler borrowed to us. So many.

"How about Lia?" I glanced up at her watching as her lips pulled up into a smile.

"I like it." Her eyes dropped to the babies. "I'd like to name him Thomas."

"Perfect." My eyes dropped to the babies as well. "Lia and Thomas."

"Our children."

Leaning forward I pecked her lips, carefully not to hurt the babies. Watching her for a few seconds longer I lowered my head kissing Lia's cheek then Thomas's.

"I love you."

After all we have been through, I thought that I have lost her. The years spend apart felt like an eternity. Patrick gave me a push in the right direction and I will be forever thankful to him.

"I love you too." Alia said softly leaning down to press her lips against mine. "My tattooed maniac."

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now