Chapter Six

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HOW IS IT POSSIBLE to be so attracted to a stranger? Every hair on my body stood to attention as the electricity pulsed between us. I can feel a drop of sweat trailing down my spine as the heat rose.

         "Here you go."

I sucked in a shaky breath seating back in the seat my eyes dropping. The red head placed our drinks on the table before walking off again.

There is only silence between us which didn't really help my nerves. I'm not suppose to show him my fear or nerves, I'm suppose to be strong. At least if he tries something I need to be able to fight back.

Pushing my shoulders back I sat up straighter finally lifting my eyes from the table top. They locked with his instantly.

         "I-Is your name really Stephen?"

He smiled his eyes filling with slight amusement. "Stephen Daniels."

My eyes dropped to the hand he held out across the table. I hesitated only a second before placing mine in his. His hand is warm but rough, almost swallowing mine as his fingers closed.

Pulling my hand from his I rubbed it on my tight looking around the café again. I feel so awkward. I'm not use to talking to men, to people for that matter. I only talk to my friends and that's how I like it. I'm totally antisocial.

           "You can relax, I'm not here to hurt you." Stephen said softly drawing my attention to him.

He nodded to the tall glass in front if me before taking a sip of his own drink. I watched him wearily picking up the straw and sticking the it in my milkshake. The flavour had my eyes fluttering close, this is truly how you make a bubblegum milkshake.

              "How old are you?" Stephen asked softly making my eyes snap open.

He's watching me silently waiting for the answer. My eyes narrowed as I leaned back placing my hands on my lap.

          "Didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude to ask that to a woman."

         "Are you a woman?"

Dropping my eyes I can feel my cheeks heat with shame. His words asking the one question that is the cause for being here in the first place.

The red head chose that moment to appear with the food. It smells delicious but I lost my appetite. My whole body had tensed again, fear moving through me.

          "Eat, then we can talk." He said softly pointing to the plate.

I looked down at my plate, the fries are golden brown. The burger is big, sauce dripping down it onto the plate. It looks and smells delicious.

Glancing up at him I watched as he lifted the fork to his mouth, taking a bite of his fry.

Will his lips feel as soft as they look? What will his hands feel like against my skin?

Shaking my head slightly I picked up the ketchup squirting some onto my fries. I did the same with the mustard before taking a bite.

            "You never answered my question."

I swallowed the bite in my mouth taking a sip of my milkshake. Lifting my eyes they caught his.

          "I turn eighteen in a month."

Stephen nodded but said nothing. Once my plate is empty I pushed it away pulling the milkshake closer to me. My eyes moved to him again watching as he took the last bite of his burger.

The red head took away the empty plates asking if we needed anything else. More like if he needed anything else.

Why is she ignoring me? 

          "Can you tell me why you posted that add?" Green eyes searched my face his hands placed on the table.

I shrugged avoiding his eyes. My eyes moved to the other people as I tried to prolong my answer.


Letting out a shaky breath I looked back at him for a few seconds before dropping my eyes. "I'm tired. Tired of being spoken of behind my back. Tired of all the rumours, I can't go anywhere without someone pointing and whispering!"

I blinked back the tears looking away from him.

          "So you'll just give it away, just like that! To a stranger, a man that's paying you to have sex with him. Like a prostitute." His voice is hard and filled with anger.

The last words hit me straight in the chest. Yet it made sense. I'm being paid to have sex with someone.

A tear dripped down my cheek but I wiped it away quickly not wanting him to see it.

          "Look." Stephen said softly making me look back at him. "I know that being the centre of attention is never easy, especially with this topic. Yet, what you have Alia, is very rare these days. You shouldn't get rid of it just because others talk bad about it. You can't just give it up to a stranger."

             "I know." I whispered feeling shame wash through me. "I'm just tired of it all."

            "Stephen." The red head appeared by our table. "My shift is finished, can I spend the night at your house?"

He looked at her with a frown opening his mouth to answer her. I didn't stick around to hear what answer he gave her. Thanking him for the meal I slid out of the booth after throwing some money onto the table.

Tears blurred my vision as I pushed the door open walking out into the darkening night. I don't even know why the hell I'm crying! The man only spoke the truth, hell what he must think of me!

             "Alia!" A hand wrapped around my arm pulling me to a stop.

            "Your girlfriend is waiting." I glanced at the red head standing at the entrance. "I would really appreciate it if you don't tell anybody about the post. I'll take it down-"

          "She's not my girlfriend."

          "You kissed her!"

His eyes smiled down at me his lips twitching. "If you looked closely you would have seen that I kissed her on the cheek, not on the lips."

I frowned images of them flashing through my brain. From where I sat I saw him lean down, but true I didn't see if he kissed her on the lips.

           "She wants to go home with you." I pointed out making him roll his eyes.

          "A lot of girls want to go home with me."

He sounds so sure of himself, do confident in everything he says and do. Why can't I be like that?

          "Promise me you won't go having sex with someone to spite everyone else." My breathing hitched as he cubed my cheek. "I already deleted your... advertisement."

I blushed dropping my eyes from his face. "I-I won't."

           "Good. Give me your phone."


          "So I can give you my number, I want you to let me know that you made it home safely."

         "Oh." Pulling my phone out of my jeans pocket I handed it over to him.

He quickly typed in his number handing it back to me before taking a small step back.

           "Take care of yourself Alia."

Then he turned his back on me making his way back to the red head. I stood there watching him silently as he placed an arm around her leading her towards a police cruiser.

He's a police officer?

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now