Chapter Forty One

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I FOLLOWED PATRICK TO his house in the cruiser. He lived in the richer part of town in a two story house. Parking the car behind his I got out following him into the house.

We walked down a hall and up some stairs. A few minutes later he opened a door stepping aside for me to enter. I sucked in a deep breath as my eyes fell on the bed. Alia laid there, she's a mess.

           "Oh baby." I stepped forward kneeling next to the bed reaching up to stroke her cheek.

Her skin instantly burned mine making me frown in worry. "How long has she been like this?"

           "It started Tuesday morning. Tyler came to check up on her and found her like this." Patrick said softly stepping further into the room. "She keeps asking for you."

           "Have you given her anything?" I stood up turning to face him.

He nodded slowly. "Something to bring down her fever."

I nod glancing down at her again. Her face is deadly pale, dark circles under her eyes and her skin clammy.

          "It won't harm the baby." My eyes snapped to him. "Just in case you're wondering."

I ignored him walking into the bathroom across the hall. Grabbing a small hand towel I wet it with cold water. I walked back into the room sitting on the bed. Moving the hair from her face I moved the cold towel over her face and down her neck.

I met Tyler half an hour later, she looks like an older image of Alia and I mean that in every way. My eyes instantly dropped to her stomach when she entered the room. An image of Alia being that far pregnant played through my mind. It made another wave of panic flash through me. I'm not ready to be a father, I will never be ready to be a father.

Fuck! What the hell am I going to do?

Alia's fever broke late on Saturday. Patrick had called me at the station to let me know.

I stood walking out of the office and down the hall. Without knocking I entered the office closing the door behind me. Michael look up from his desk giving me a sneer.

           "Alia's fever broke."

I got not reaction. Clenching my fists I took a step closer. "Did you hear me? I said your daughter is better now."

Finally he looked up his eyes locking with mine. He slowly stood leaning his hands on the desk.

           "As far as I know, all my daughters are fit and healthy."

Spinning around I walked out slamming the door closed behind me. I ignored everyone else in the station as I made my way outside. I want to beat him up so fucking bad! How can he kick her out, write her off just like that?

Yet, it's my fault. I'm just as responsible for the baby as Alia. There's one thing that really bothers me. I got a box of condoms that day at the mall. I placed the packet in my wallet that morning before we left.

The condom isn't suppose to break so easily.


ALIA SAT UP IN bed as I entered the room. The smile slipped from her face making my heart drop to my stomach.

         "I'll give you some time to talk." Tyler stood from the bed with some difficulty before walking out of the room.

Running a hand down my face I hesitated slightly before walking over to the bed. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed I stared down at the floor.

           "How are you feeling?"

She pulled her legs up to her chest wrapping her arms around them. "Better, thank you."

Nodding I licked my lips sucking in a shaky breath.


          "I'm not getting an abortion." My eyes widened at her words, mouth falling open. "If you don't want the baby that's fine, but I'm not killing it."

           "I would never ask that of you." I stood running an agitated hand through my hair. "And I'm not letting you raise the baby on your own."

           "Y-you said you don't want kids."

          "I don't." Her face instantly dropped eyes filling with tears again. "Fuck Alia, I didn't mean it like that."

          "Please leave." Laying down she turned her back on me.

Turning I'm about to storm out of the room but thought better of it. Spinning back around I pulled her up, forcing her to look at me.

           "It's not that I don't want the baby, I don't." I paused letting out a groan. "Jesus. I'm not good at this shit baby."

Moving closer to her I cupped her cheeks.

         "Remember at the beach house after the incident at the mall?" I asked softly, she nodded. "I told you that night that I lived through what that girl had to, do you remember?"


I shook my head catching her eyes. "I'm scared Alia. I'm so fucking scared of becoming a father."

           "I'm scared too." Her voice cracked as tears started filling her eyes. "I'm only eighteen Stephen. I have no home, no job, I have nothing."

I pulled her into my arms moving a hand through her hair.

         "You have me, baby." I whispered kissing her shoulder before pulling back. "Alia, there are times where I'm going to fuck up so bad that you will want to kill me, but I beg you not to leave me. I know I'm fucked up, baby, but I'm trying. I'm trying for you, only for you Alia."

Letting out a shaky laugh she wrapped her arms around my neck again. I breathed in her smell closing my eyes. Pulling back I kissed her cheek then her forehead.

          "We'll do this together, step by step."

Alia smiled up at me, giving me a small nod. Moving the hair from her face I leaned down ready to kiss her.

The door banged open making us jump apart. Turning my head, my eyes fell on Patrick leaning in the doorway with a smirk.

          "Dinner is ready."

Fucking cockblocker.

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