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The bed dipped and seconds later the sheet was pulled from my body. I groaned and opened my eyed slightly. A blurry figure caught my attention. I blinked rapidly to clear the sleep from my eyes. He bent down and placed something on the bedside table. Seconds later lips gently brushed against my forehead, and then my cheek before moving to my ear.

“Happy birthday baby,” Stephen muttered.

I opened my eyes all the way and blinked up at him. He was already dressed with his hair still slightly wet from his shower. Stephen moved the hair from my face then leaned closer.

“We need to leave in twenty minutes. Do you think you could be ready before that?”

“Where are we going?” I croaked, sitting up.

Stephen handed me the cup he had placed on the bedside table. I sniffed at the coffee and then tentatively took a sip. He hadn’t answered my question. He brushed some hair away from face as his eyes trailed over my face.

“You’re pale,” he frowned. “Are you okay?”

“I have slight headache but I’m fine.”

He nodded, and then got off the bed. “Wear something comfortable but not something you like.”

Before I could ask him what he meant, he walked out of the room. I finished my coffee and then took a quick shower. I wasn’t sure what to wear. After debating on it for at least two minutes, I decided on an old dress and some ballet flats.

The material of the dress was faded but it had pockets for my phone and some money. I tied my hair up into a high ponytail and then made a bun. Just as I grabbed my phone and stuffed some money into the cover, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

It opened a second later to reveal Stephen. I watched silently as he dropped his bag on the unmade bed.

“Grab a pair of spare clothes for tomorrow and a box of condoms.”

“We’re not coming back tonight?”

“No baby. We’ll be back by tomorrow morning.”


I walked into the bathroom and grabbed a box of condoms from the cabinet. I felt like I was going to explode with excitement as I grabbed a pair of clothes. There was also some apprehension because I didn’t know what Stephen had planned for us. The house was silent when we stepped out of the room, but the moment we descended the stairs I heard the television.

Nathan sat on the couch. It looked like he just woke up and he didn’t look happy about it. Stephen dropped the bag by the door and then turned towards Nathan.

“We should be back by tomorrow morning.”

“Of course,” Nathan muttered. “Just be safe.”

I barely caught the glimpse they shared before I was steered out of the house and into the cool morning air. He led me towards his truck. Stephen dropped the bag on the seat and then helped me inside before walking around the truck to the driver side.



No matter how much I asked him where we were going, Stephen kept refusing to tell me anything. After about an hour on the road we stopped at a Roadhouse for breakfast before moving on. The scenery was beautiful once we left the town. There was nothing but long stretches of open spaces. Nature in its truest form.
My phone pinged and then started ringing.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now