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“How was your holiday honey?”

“It was fun,” I muttered absentmindedly as I stirred my coffee.

Our vacation was cut short by a week. I decided it was best to leave with Stephen and Nathan. After what happened that night, I didn’t want to stay there a moment longer. Kate wasn’t happy about that. She had a fit and then walked off only to return hours later.

Something about her had changed. It scared me because I didn’t want to lose her. She was my best friend, the person I go to when I need advice. Our vacation was going great until shit happened.

Someone tried to kidnap me and on top of that Stephen and I had unprotected sex. I still remembered the horror on his face when he realized it. The look in his eyes made my heart crack. He was pissed.

“Why the fuck didn’t you stop me?” he had yelled. “You should have fucking stopped Alia. Fuck! Shit!”

After his anger outburst he had stormed out of the room. He didn’t return till later that morning, and even then he didn’t utter a word to me. Things have been tense between us ever since then. It wasn’t the same. He even made me take a pregnancy test before we left. Of course it was negative. I didn’t point out the fact that it was too early to take a test.

He was so relieved. Tears sprang to my eyes when I remembered. I had two other pregnancy test stashed in my bedroom. I haven’t taken them yet.

“Alia?” my mom said softly.

I picked up my cup, composing my face, and then turned around to face her. “Yes?”

“Are you still mad at me?” She looked pale. Dark circles hung under her eyes. “I’m really sorry for lying to you. I know no matter what I say that it won’t make everything better. I just want you to understand what happened and why.”

My attention was snapped to the open back door. Michael sat on a blanket on the grass with Sam in his lap. Emma was chasing something. I watched as she said something which made him laugh. A deep yearning started within my chest.

“Did he ever hold me like that? Did he play with me and cuddle me like he does Sam?”


“Just answer me mom. Did he?”

“Yes,” she paused. “He use to cuddle you and play with you before he found out.”

All I could do was stare at her. There were no words to describe how I felt. I walked over to the sink and poured the cold coffee down the drain.

“Alia.” I stiffened when she placed her hand on my shoulder.

“There are some things that I know you won’t understand. Please let me explain.”

“Not now,” I said, stepping away from her. “You’ve been hiding this from me for years. Were you ever planning on telling me?”

Her mouth fell open but then closed again. She briefly closed her eyes before reaching out a hand. I stepped out of reach before she could touch me.

“You know what hurts the most mom?” I whispered. “The fact that I have to watch him interact with them every day. I know he hates me and that’s what hurts. He will never look at me like he looks at them because I remind him of your unfaithfulness.”

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now