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There was so much blood. She cried out but it soon turned into a scream. I glanced at her. She looked paler than usual and her skin was covered in sweat.

“You need to push,” I said.

I looked back down again. My stomach heaved but I managed not to throw up. I wasn’t fit for this. She was going to die and do was the baby. It was stuck inside.

“Is the kid born yet?”

I glanced at him over my shoulders. He entered the room along with two of his men.

“There’s too much blood. The baby is stuck inside.”

I scrambled to my feet when he cursed violently. I pressed myself against the wall as I watched them. My eyes widened when he pulled out a knife. Without care he started ripping her clothes over her stomach. Her scream echoed around the room when he started cutting her stomach. Blood splattered. I couldn’t hold it any longer. I slid to the floor and started puking. Her screams finally died down only to be replaced by another cry.

“Get it cleaned up and fed!”


Today the baby turned three weeks old. It was a little girl with the most beautiful brown eyes. She was too silent for a baby– not that I had much experience. In two weeks he would take her to be sold. I learned that he found couples desperate enough for a baby and then sold it. The people were willing to do anything, even pay millions. I stared down at her as I rocked her. She had just fed and was slowly drifting towards sleep. The room was cold but I had wrapped all the extra blankets around her. She felt warm so I knew she wasn’t freezing. Thunder made me jump. It was getting colder by the day which made living here worse. Wind seeped through the cracks in the wood.

“You’re so beautiful,” I whispered as I stroked her cheek. “I wish I could help you.”


“I promise I didn’t do anything wrong,” I whispered down at her.

I stood and walked over to the mattress I had moved into the closet. It gets her away from the cold. Gently laying her down, I made sure she couldn’t roll off. He stood in the living room when I walked down the stairs. My hands shook the closer I got. He looked angry and that was never something good.

“Pack up. We’re leaving. Make sure you leave no Trace of that baby,” he almost yelled at me.

I ran up the stairs before he could do anything else. My heart was beating erratically in my chest. Something was wrong. I paused at the window. Movement in the tree line caught my attention. They had surrounded us. It was hard to see what they were wearing. Hope flared but quickly died down. He had a lot of enemies. It could be them trying to take him out. I hurried into the room and gripped some ripped clothes. I quickly tied to together to use as a bag.

My heart stared to speed up in panic as I rushed around the room. I did know where exactly we were so I had no clue how long it would be to find help. I’ve spend days planning an escape but I was too afraid. Now was my only chance. He would be distracted and that would give me the time to run. I tied her things to my back before moving towards her.

“This is the police. You are surrounded. Come out with your hands in the air and surrender.”

A memory tugged at the back of my mind but I refused to focus on it. He could kill us. I had to get her away from here. She stayed asleep when I picked her up. I tried to stay as quiet as possible as I made my way towards the stairs. I peaked down. No one was within sight. I was halfway down the stairs when I heard him. They were in the living room and walking down the half that led to one of the other rooms.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now