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HE'S SMILING BRIGHTLY AT me. His eyes sparkling in happiness and something else I can't place. Giving him a small smile, my eyes dropped to the small bundle in my arms. She's so small, barely two days old.

"Can I have my daughter back now?" Sebastian stepped forward holding out his hands.

Carefully I handed the baby to him, standing to make my way over to Stephen. He wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me against him.

"So how are you guys?" The soft voice from the bed drew my attention.

Turns out Stephen's cousin, Sebastian, got his girlfriend pregnant without either of them realizing. Danny is a tall girl with shocking white hair and ice blue eyes. Although she looks like a complete bitch at first sight, I've come to know that she's a complete sweetheart.

We became good friends after the guys introduced us when they came over. Ever since then we've been hanging out nonstop.

"We're doing good." I gave her a smile taking in her pale face and tired eyes.

I took a seat on the chair next to the bed talking to her softly while the men talked. My eyes moved to Stephen as our conversation died down.

He sat on the couch staring down at the little baby in his arms. One of his fingers clasped in her tiny hand, making him smile.

"Have you decided on a name yet?" I asked Danny looking back at her.

She shook her head placing a hand on her stomach. "There is so many to choose from. Some of them are really beautiful and then there's some that are rare."

"Hard choice."

I looked at Stephen again, our eyes locked. Smiling, my cheeks heated as send me a wink.

"When are you guys starting your own family?"

I didn't answer her question. I had no answer to it. My heart is longing for it, for a baby, our own family. But I don't think we are ready just yet. Not for a few more years.


IT'S HOT AND THE AIR felt heavy, damp. It makes it hard to breath. With a groan I turned onto my side pain flashing through my body. I'm not dead, but I wish I was.

Dread filled my body just thinking about what that bastard said he would do to me. He hasn't touch me yet, but I think it's only because I'm hurt. He shot me in my shoulder. Without a second thought he pulled the trigger. I don't remember what happened after that. I woke up a few times hearing voice and someone saying my name.

Is Stephen looking for me?

Did that girl give the police the note I made? Are they checking the camera's and searching? What will happen when they don't find me? Am I going to die at the hands of that bastard?

Sitting up I blinked rapidly to clear the dots swimming in front of my eyes. The bed is small, only a thin mattress on it. Floor dirty and walls cracked with wallpaper falling off at some places. There is a window, but it's blocked shut, can't escape through it.

"Good you're awake."

My head snapped to him as he entered. Two men walked behind him eyes focused on me.

"I hear my son is searching for you." He stepped closer, lips pulling up in a smirk. "This is going to be so much fun."

He nodded at the men and they stepped forward. I was to slow. They each grabbed an arm pulling me out of the room and down a hall. I trashed screaming when the movement made pain flash through me.

A few minutes later I'm carried into a room. It's clean and smells like a hospital. In the middle is a bed with brown leather straps at the hands and feet. Next to it is a silver tray filled with some instruments. I ignored the pain trying to fight them, but they held strong dragging me towards the bed.

My clothes are ripped from my body leaving me bare. I'm forced down on it, my wrist strapped to my side. I managed to kick the one guy in the face, he grunted stumbling back. My feet are grabbed then forced down onto the bed. The straps closed around my ankles leaving me immobile.

"Leave us."

They walked out leaving me alone with the monster. I don't know his name. I know nothing about him, but he knows everything about me. Walking around the bed he smirked down at me.

His eyes trailed over my body making shivers of disgust and fear wash through me.

"Personally, you're not really my type. I like my girls thin with big tits and the perfect ass. But you'll have to do."

He stopped by the tray picking something up. Turning around, my eyes instantly fell on the syringe in his hand.

"Don't worry." He looked down at me. "I'm being generous."

Stepping forward he gripped my arm sliding the needle through my skin. I watched helplessly as he emptied the syringe into my bloodstream. It took effect fast. My body numbed, I can hear and see, but I can't move.

His hand trailed over my stomach, over the surgery scar. "Seems like he already knocked you up. He works fast."

His hand trailed lower stopping at my pubic hair.

"It's a shame you lost the baby. Would have gotten millions for it." He looked up his eyes locking with mine. "But I got you instead, so I'll make the best of it."

And he did. He moved me to another room, laying me on a bed before stripping his clothes. Tears dropped from my eyes and down my cheeks. I can do nothing. Not fight him, all I could do was watch.

Watch as he climbed onto the bed. As he pulled my legs apart. As he forced his lips onto mine, touching me while moaning. All I could do is lie there wishing to be somewhere else as he raped me.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now