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Three years later

I gripped my bag tighter as I stepped into the tent. All around me was a buzz of activities. I felt nervous but excited at the same time. This was the second time they had called me in to do this job. It took me two years to work out my issues. Two years with the help of my therapist and my family. I was close to being my old self, but not really. I hated small spaces. The dark freaked me out, and nobody was allowed to touch me. I had grown. I had fought my demons and won.

Mike had said something that day that made me realize that he was right. I made a suggestion to Michael after thinking it through. He said he would give me time to heal and then he would talk to the board. I wanted to help them when they rescued woman that went through what I did. I enjoyed doing it.

Especially helping other girls and woman. I didn’t go back to school to finish it, not did I go to college or university. There was no use for it. I had an easy job and it was one I enjoyed. I stepped deeper into the tent and towards the middle where a group of men stood. They were focused on something on the table. I cleared my throat after a second of hesitation. Their heads snapped up. One of them broke away and took a step towards me. He held out his hand.

“You must be Alia.”

“The one and only,” I muttered with a smile.

He returned it. “I’m Devon and this is my team. The captain will be with us shortly he’s just taking a call.”

“Okay.” I stepped closer towards the table. A large map was spread over it. Some spot’s were marked. “Have you located them yet?”

“Yes,” he stepped closer. “They’re hidden inside an old mine shaft.”

He was too close for comfort. I stepped back when his hand brushed my leg. My eyes darted around at the other men. One of them was focused on my breasts. A shiver raced down my spine.

“We’re still thinking of strategies to go in without them killing them or us.”

I nodded as I studied the map. It made no sense to me but it kept my mind focused. The man’s hand brushed my leg again. I straightened and slowly turned to face him.

“If I wanted you to touch me I would’ve stayed where I was. I moved away because you seem to have a wondering hand. I’m not a slut nor am I here for your pleasure. So in future I’d prefer you keep your hands to yourself, or you might just regret it.” I glared up at him for a few more seconds before turning.

A hand on my arm made me freeze. He spun me around and tugged me against his chest. I fought the panic that rose.

“We’ve been here for three months without a woman in sight. I’m sure you’re here for a reason, so don’t play hard to get sweet cheeks. I can rock your world.”

I spit at him. The bag dropped from my hand onto the floor. With my free hand I slapped him. His hand on my arm loosened enough for me to step back. I didn’t waste a second. Lifting my leg I kicked him in his crotch. My lips twitched when he dropped to his knees cupping himself. He groaned.

“You may be an officer of the law but that doesn’t mean you’re superior to anyone. I suggest you learn some manners or your boss and I’ll have some words.”

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now