Chapter Twenty One

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I GROANED AS MY alarm clock penetrated my sleep. I hate getting up so early, especially when it's only to make coffee.

I turned off my alarm flipping down on my bed again. After a few seconds I sat up fixing my clothes before getting up. As soon as I opened my bedroom door I heard my dad's alarm from their room.

In the kitchen I switched on the kettle getting everything ready. I added the milk, coffee and sugar before walking out the kitchen. Entering my sister's room I walked over to her bed.

           "Get up!"

She groaned turning around. Rolling my eyes I pulled the covers from her my eyes narrowing on her as she yelled.

           "Get out!"

I dodged the pillow making my way back into the kitchen. Today is the last day of school which I'm not attending. Not like I'm gonna miss anything really important, we've already received our holiday homework. 

I'll be spending the day packing!

           "Morning." I greeted my dad getting a grunt in return.

I placed his coffee next to him taking my mom's coffee to their room before walking back to mine again.

The black bag caught my attention as I pulled open my closet. I haven't opened it yet. My mom had stood at the front door when I entered the house. Thankfully she said nothing but she did give me a warning stare.

I pulled on some comfortable shorts and a tank top, tying my hair into a messy ponytail I made my bed.

Kate and I are leaving this afternoon. All the arrangements had been made already, I was surprised though when my parents said I could go.

I'm not complaining!

          "We're leaving."

I glanced up at my mom standing into the doorway. My father had already left for work. Mom is going to drop Emma off at school after that she and Sam are going to visit my sister in the town over.

            "Okay." I'm home alone for the first time since I was grounded.

I flopped onto my bed staring up at the ceiling. I already packed my bag for our trip but I suppose I should check and make sure I have everything. But later, right now I'll just relax for a bit.

An hour passed before I finally got up making my way to my parents room. Walking over to the cabinet I pulled open the drawer where I know my phone is in. 

I grabbed it walking into the kitchen to get something to drink. Switching on my phone I leaned against the counter waiting for it to switch on. It vibrated nonstop as messages and missed calls came through. 

I sigh picking it up and walking to my room again. Closing the door I pulled the plastic bag from my closet. I sat cross legged on the bed biting my lips as I emptied the bag.

A small box fell out.

Frowning I turned it around trying to figure out what it is. I opened it pulling out a black bullet shape thing followed by another oval shaped thing. There is also a pack of small batteries.

How the hell am I suppose to know what this is?

Hesitating slightly I licked up my phone dialing Stephen's number. He answered on the third ring.

           "Hey, baby."

I smiled my cheeks heating slightly. "Hi."

We made some more small talk until I finally had enough courage to ask him about.

            "Stephen, what is it?"

He's silent for a few seconds, I heard some shuffling.

            "You've only just opened it now?"

           "Yes." I breathed picking up the box again.

          "Remove the silver bottom and insert the batteries." He ordered softly making me shiver.

I love it when he gives me orders. Licking my lips I did what he said inserting the batteries.

            "Is it in?"

I nodded rolling my eyes when I realized that he can't hear me. "Yes."

           "Turn it on."

I grabbed the remote a gasp falling from my lips as it started to vibrate.

           "It's a bullet vibrator, baby. You put it in your pussy, the vibrations can be changed."

           "Oh." My face is flaming at the image his words created.

           "Are you alone?" He breathed sending a shiver down my spine.


He's silent for a few seconds before he spoke again. "What are you wearing?"

I explained my breathing speeding up when he told me to take my clothes off. Getting up I closed my bedroom door pulling my shirt over my head and dropping my pants.

         "Lie on the bed."

Laying down I closed my eyes sucking in shaky breaths. I can't believe I'm doing this.

          "Remember how I showed you? Touch yourself baby, imagine my hands on your body. Touching you, and my lips tasting you." Stephen said softly making me moan my back arching. 

             "Stephen." My breathing is harsh the phone slipping from my fingers.

Searching for it I picked it up pressing it to my ear again.

             "Are you wet for me baby?" Stephen asked as soon as the phone was pressed to my ear again.

I trailed a hand between my legs feeling the dampness of my panties. "Yes, I'm wet for you Stephen."

He cursed loudly followed by a door being slammed shut. "Hold on baby."

I heard some shuffling and a chair creaking. He spoke again.

          "Slip the vibrator inside you baby." His voice is deeper, huskier. "Slowly."

I slipped off my panties spreading my legs. Slowly I slipped it inside allowing the string to hang outside.

           "Is it inside you?"

           "Yes." I moaned my muscles tightening around it. "Stephen please."

          "I know baby." He paused. "Take the remote and turn it on."

Laying back down I hesitated slightly before pressing the button. My body jerked.

           "Oh." I moaned pressing my legs together as pleasure flashed through my body.

I feels good. It feels so fucking good. Not as good as his dick felt, but still.

            "Are you close baby?"


            "Rub your clit baby. Let me hear you come, scream my name." Stephen breathed letting out a moan making my stomach tighten.

I rubbed my clitoris faster my hips moving up and down. I sped up, so close.


           "That's it baby. Come for me."

Just a little more. I'm about to explode when my bedroom door opened.


The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now