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I expect there to be some sexy clothes or even underwear, but what I didn’t expect was the small square box in the middle of the bed. I gripped the towel tighter in front of my chest as I took hesitate steps forward. My hand was shaking when I picked it up. The velvet felt soft against my skin. Sucking in a shaky breath, I opened it.

Inside rested a sterling silver necklace. The pendant was small but easily eye catching.
Blinking back tears, I gently pulled the necklace from the box. Wings were attached to the chains with a small heart crystal in the middle between the wings.

“You remind me of an angel.”

My head snapped up and towards him. Stephen stood in the doorway with his eyes focused on me. He gave me a small smile before straightening and making his way towards me.

“Before I met you I was stuck in the darkness.”


“You brought light with you the moment you stepped into that café. My life was hell after my grandmother died. I had no direction or meaning. I liked to fuck around with people, hurt them so I could feel better about myself. I pushed everyone that cared about me away because I didn’t want to feel what I felt when I watched my grandmother being lowered into the ground,” he sucked in a breath. “You are different than all those other girls I fucked. You mean more to me than any of them ever did.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. Tears were threatening to spill over. Stephen stopped right in front of me. His eyes trailed over my face before dropping to the necklace. He reached out and I could see the slight tremor in his hand.

“Turn around baby, let me put this on.”

I turned and then pulled my wet hair out of the way so he could fasten the necklace around my neck. Stephen pressed a kiss against my shoulder before turning me around to face him.

He kept his eyes locked with mine as he gently pulled the towel from my body. I sucked in a shaky breath when he leaned down to press a kiss against my collarbone. His lips traced a line to my shoulder then back up to my neck. Stephen pulled me against him as his lips caught mine.

I was barely aware of him picking me up and lowering me to the bed. He came down next to me and started stroking my skin with his hand. Excitement washed through me when he massaged my breasts. His lips trailed down my neck again. I gasped when his lips closed around my nipple.

He sucked the bud into his mouth while using his tongue to trace my nipple.  Letting go, he kissed to its twin before doing the same. My back arched if the bed. My pussy was clenching in anticipation. I wanted him inside me.

“Please... Stephen,” I cried.

“What so you want baby?”

“I want you,” I breathed, glancing down at him. “I need you.”

“I’m all yours baby.”

If only he meant those words in every sense. I wanted his heart. I wanted him to love me just like I love him. Stephen pushed himself up onto his knees. I watched as he pulled the towel from his waist. My eyes trailed over his tanned and inked skin. He was so fucking sexy and he was all mine. But for how long? My stomach quivered when he pulled a condom from the box. He ripped it open with his teeth, and then gripped his length. I licked my lips. My eyes glued to his dick as he slowly stroked himself.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now