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I felt weak. My stomach was turning and my hands were shaking. I could feel the sweat breaking out all over my body. How was it possible to be so attracted to a stranger?

My eyes dropped first. I couldn't take the intensity from the peculiar green depths anymore.

He cleared his throat as he shifted slightly on the seat. The spell was broken but the tension still surrounded us. I was attracted to a fucking stranger. A hot tattooed stranger. Oh my gosh! I moved to the edge of the seat. I was ready to hightail it out of here but the waitress appeared.

I froze, watching as she placed the coffee cups in front of us. A small plate was placed down which contained some sugar packets.

“Can I get you anything else?”

My eyes snapped up to her. She was leaning slightly forward which made the top of her boobs visible to every eye. She was smiling at him– her blood red lips pulled up into a small smile. Well that's not very professional.

“No,” he said, dismissing her.

I glanced at him to find him watching me with a smirk. With a huff she walked away. My eyes followed her for a few seconds before turning back to him. He was busy mixing some sugar into his cup. I did the same. My hands clutched the cup as I waited for him to speak, but he didn't.

I sucked in a breath before raising the cup. A gasp fell from my lips when the coffee splashed over the rim and onto me. It burned through the material of my shirt straight to my skin. The cup clattered onto the table spilling even more coffee, but I could care less. I gripped my shirt to pull it away from my skin.

“Are you okay?” He was by my side holding out a white serviette.

Tears burned my eyes as the pain intensified. I was aware of him yelling something and then gripping my arm. He pulled me up and down a hall where he pushed open a blue door.

“Take off your shirt.” My eyes snapped up to his. “I need to check how bad the burn is. I'm not going to do anything to you.”

He wouldn't do anything in a public restroom, right? My face was burning with embarrassment as I pulled the t-shirt over my head.  I stood in front of a sexy stranger with just my pants and an old pink bra.

My skin was still burning. His hands gripped my hips and before I could open my mouth to question him, he had picked me up to place me on the counter.

He opened the tap next before sticking his hand beneath the water. I sucked in a sharp breath when he pressed his wet hand against my chest. He did that a few times until droplets dripped into my bra. I kept my eyes on his face when he bent slightly, his eyes falling to my chest.

“It's not so bad, but it'll hurt for a few days,” he muttered. “The best option would be to get some ointment from the pharmacy.”

“T-thank you.”

His eyes caught mine but only for a second before dropping. It was like he suddenly wanted to get away from me. He grabbed some paper towels then held it out for me. I took it from him and gently pressed it against the burn. It wasn't hurting as badly as it did a few minutes ago.

“She did that on purpose,” I muttered. It was burning hot even though there was milk in the cup.

When he didn't answer me, I looked up to find him standing with his back to me. A wave of shame hit me. Of course a man as hot as him wouldn't be able to look at someone like me.

My eyes dropped down my body making an unfamiliar feeling fill me. The fat around my stomach and hips was clearly visible. I pushed myself off the counter and quickly bend down to pick up my shirt.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now