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I still couldn’t get over the fact that I stayed with that man for two years. I missed my graduation, the birth of my sister’s child. The death of my mother and a whole bunch of other things. I was living in hell while everyone else went on with their lives. I didn’t even have time to completely mend things with my mother before he death. I wasn’t there for my sister’s when they needed me. I didn’t know how to feel about it. After two more weeks in the hospital I was discharged.

They gave me a list of specific foods I needed to eat and avoid. I was also forced to go see a therapist. Michael had insisted on it. I had to sit in an office with a stranger for an hour while she asked me questions. Answering them was harder than I wanted to admit. I was free from him and I didn’t want to think or talk about the nightmares I had lived.

Going home was even harder. It didn’t hold the same love it usually did. It felt cold and empty. The moment I stepped through the door I burst into tears. It took me an hour to finally calm enough. Emma hadn’t come near me at all. All I got from her was a small smile before she walked off. Sam was no different. I was a stranger to her. Michael tried everything to make me feel welcome.

There were times when it all just got too much. I got so angry and agitated that I exploded. I threw stuff at him and screamed until the tears fell. Not once since I was released did Stephen come to visit me. He didn’t call either. A part of me missed him but the other part was glad that he was gone. I was free and I had my live back. I had changed and so had everything else. I’m never going to be the same girl I was before.


“Have you decided about taking the online classes?” I glanced up at Michael as he entered the kitchen.

We’ve come to mutual agreement after I returned home. I had forgiven him for what he did. Even though we weren’t blood related, he was still my father in every other sense.

“Not yet,” I said softly.

“It’s better than nothing.” He grabbed a soda then made his way over to me. “You said yourself that you’re not ready to face people.”

“I’ve lived in isolation for two years. It’s hard enough driving to the shrink.”

“Your appointment is in half an hour. Do you want me to drive you?”

I considered but shook my head. I wasn’t planning on going to the appointment today. I’ve had enough of that woman for the week. He stood there awkwardly for a few minutes before making an excuse and walking away. When I was sure he had disappeared into his bedroom, I stood and gathered my bag.
I drove the familiar road but instead of taking the road to town, I turned and headed in the opposite direction. The cliff was isolated. I felt the panic rising as I stepped out of my car. I enjoyed being alone at home, not so much out in the open. My mind was paying tricks on me. I was expecting someone to jump out but it didn’t happen. Taking deep steady breaths, I stepped forward. I hesitated only for a second before sitting down. Dirty dug into my hands but I shook it off.

A sigh fell from my lips as I stared at the city below. My peace only lasted for a few minutes. I stood when I heard the car approaching. A familiar green truck parked behind my car. I blinked rapidly as I watch Stephen climb out. Our eyes locked but he dropped his first. There was awkwardness between us that was never there before.

“Hi,” he said softly.


“I stopped by the house but Michael said you left. So I drove all the way into town but you weren’t there either. I figured you’d be here then.”

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now