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MY LEG BOUNCED UP and down as I waited patiently in the hall. I should have stayed away from her, should have listened to the sober part of me, but no! My fucked up mind could only think of myself, not about how she would react.

I've spend days keeping myself isolated from everyone. Drinking to try and forget what happened with Alia. Patrick has kept me up to date on her wellbeing. Told me how she's doing and where she is. It was him who talked me into going to London. Him who sobered me up enough to make the flight. But as soon as I stepped foot on London soil, the nerves and the fear got to me again. I went to a bar, got drunk and then decided to go look for her. Best fucking decision I made.

A shudder ran through my body as I thought of what could have happened with those two men. He fucking touched her.

"Might want to relax. You're scaring the kids."

I rolled my eyes at him, but glanced at the kids. They are watching me wide eyed. My eyes moved back to Patrick as he sat down next to me. Alia is still in the room with her sister, Tyler with their father.

"How'd it go?"

"I fucked it up, like usual." I sat up running a hand through my hair.

"You're here with her, so that's a good sign." Patrick searched my face, his lips pulling up into a smirk.

I leaned forward placing my elbows on my thighs with my hands buried in my hair.

"I told her we can only be friends."

"Now why the hell would you go and do that?"

"I don't want to fuck up again by rushing into things. Things have changed Pat, we need to talk about all the shit before rushing into something." I pause looking at him. "That's what happened the first time, we rushed into the relationship and look how that ended."

"Couldn't agree with you more."

I stood, my attention snapping to Alia. She stood a few feet away with a small smile on her lips. Although she looks more composed than she was hours before, I could tell that what happened is still fresh in her mind. Her hands are still shaking, face pale and eyes filled with fear.

"How is she?" I stepped forward reaching out to touch her.

My hand dropped to my side as she stepped out of reach. Pain flashing through me but I pushed it aside.

"Sam's fine." Alia said softly glancing at Patrick. "A broken arm and some bruising, but she's good."

Her eyes dropped to the floor, then lifted to glance at the kids, then at me.

"And your dad?"

I can see her eyes welling up with tears, her breathing speeding up slightly as she tried to stop the tears.

"H-he's still in surgery."

Before I could say anything more she turned racing down the hall. I glanced at Patrick before following her. Alia stormed out of the hospital making her way to the car. I grabbed her arm pulling her against my chest.

"Let go! I need to get out of here!" She fought against me, fist hitting my chest. "Let go!"

"Hey." With one arm around her waist, I cupped her face with the other. "Alia, look at me!"

Her body went limp, forehead dropping to my chest as sobs racked her body. Tightening my arm, I took the keys from her hand. I brushed my lips against her forehead before leading her around the car. Unlocking it, I opened the door helping her inside.

I quickly walked back to the driver side getting in. Slamming the door close I leaned back in the seat watching her. She's gripping the seat tightly, eyes squeezed shut as she struggled to breath. I instantly know what's happening.

Moving the seat back, I reached over pulling her onto my lap.

"Shh." Grabbing one of her hands I placed it on my chest over my heart.

I cupped her cheek with my other hand forcing her unfocused eyes on me.

"Breathe with me baby."

I kept my breathing even trying my best to calm her down. Minutes passed before her breathing finally calmed down. Her body is shaking, cheeks flushed from crying and eyes red rimmed. Giving her a small smile I wiped the tears from her cheeks pulling her body against mine. I guided her face into the crook of my neck.

"What happened baby?" I whispered stroking her hair.

She sucked in a shaky breath, hand gripping my shirt.

"What if he doesn't make it?" Her hand tightened. "I can't lose him, Stephen. H-he can't die."

"He won't." I pulled her tighter. "Your father is a fighter, he won't give up so easily. He won't leave you baby, you or your sisters."

Silence settled again. Minute's, maybe hours passed as the sky darkened and the air became colder. I thought that she might have fallen asleep, but it's her that broke the silence.

"Do you feel guilty?"

I blink, her question repeating over and over in my mind. "Yes."

"About what happened to me?" Her voice is soft, barely a whisper.

"Yes." I kissed her hair. "About what happened to you, and about leaving you in the hospital."

Alia fell silent again. Reaching out she took hold of my hand wrapping both of hers around mine. Her lips brushed my knuckles, over the bruises.

"I feel guilty for running away from here as soon as I could." She sat up staring at our hands. "I knew that they wanted to help me, but it just got too much. I wanted to get away, so I ran. I ran and I tried to forget, and because of that I pushed them away. My family, I pushed them away."

"It's not you're fault." I gave her a small smile. "After what you have been through, it's normal. They knew that, that's why they gave you space. Don't ever feel like they hate you for it."

"Do you hate me?"

I sucked in a shock breath, surprise flashing through me. Do I hate her? Why would she ask me that? Before I could voice the question she dropped my hand reaching for the hem of her dress. She pulled it over her head exposing her body.

Alia is still thin, not as bad as she was when I found her, but not like she use to be. I can see her hip bones, her collarbone and some of her ribs. It stood out sharply against her pale skin. Pain flashed through me.

"Would you still want me, even if my body is littered with scars?"

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now