Chapter Twenty Eight

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SUCH SWEET FUCKING TEMPTATION. I sighed leaning my forehead against hers. She has no idea how badly I want to take her up on that offer. But like I said when I agreed to this, I want to make her first time special. 

Not unplanned like-

           "Stephen." Alia said softly her hands trailing down my chest.

I caught her wrist before she could wrap her hands around me. Her eyes flashed with pain making my heart clench.

           "Is this because of what you said last night?" Her voice broke slightly.

I blinked. No one has ever showed any sympathy to what happened. This is the first time I have someone looking at me like that, that to, a complete stranger. Someone I barely know. 

            "No." I smiled brushing my nose against hers. "When you touch me I want to fuck you." I quickly covered the discomfort of the subject.

I watched in satisfaction as the rosy pink blush spread up her neck to her cheeks. It's moments like this, when I'm hit with her innocence. I felt the familiar pang in my chest. What if she hates me when she gets to know the real me? What if my past comes running after me?

           "Alia." I breathed smashing my lips on hers with urgency.

The thought of loosing her, no words can describe the feeling that fills me. She moaned against my mouth pressing her sleek body against mine. Oh, she's making sure to get her message cross.

              "Baby." I moaned pushing her back against the shower wall.

Standing back slightly I allowed my eyes to travel lower. Over her perky tits with pebbled dusty brown nipples. Down to her curvy stomach and wide hips. Her thick thighs are clenched together, my eyes fell on the dark curls at the apex of her thighs.

I licked my lips, it's been a while since I've seen a girl that doesn't have her pussy shaved.

             "Stephen." She breath shifting slight making me smirk.

           "Not now baby." I pecked her lips smirking down at her. "I promise you tonight we can make love as many times as you want."

           "No." Her pink lips pouted up at me, her eyes fulling with disappointment.

Pressing my body completely against hers I nippled her lips keeping my eyes open. She sighed her eyes fluttering close as her body arched against mine. Leaving her lips I kissed over her jaw to her ear. I cupped her tits moving my palms over her nipples.

             "You want this baby?" I asked softly licking her earlobe. "You want me to touch you?"

             "Yesss." She hissed tilting her head to the side.

Moving my hands down her stomach I moved my hand over the dark curls down to her sweet pussy between her legs. She's soaking, her juices instantly sticking to my fingers. Finding her cilt I traced the figure eight on the bud slowly.

Her legs quivered one hand gripping my wrist the other pressed flat against the wall. Placing open mouth kisses down her neck I slowly slipped a finger inside her. Alia's breath fanned my ear making a shudder race through me. Fuck! I love it when she does that.

I bit down gently on her neck smiling when her muscles clenched around my finger. She's so responsive.


           "Mm?" I started thrusting my finger in and out moving my lips lower to her collarbone.

          "I-I want to t-touch you." Her voice is low, filled with passion but also fear.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now