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I PULLED THE CAR to a stop in front of the house along with the others. I don't even feel a pinch of guilt at the fact that today is suppose to be a funeral. If I can get closer to finding Alia, nothing else matters.

I got out of the car pulling the papers from my pocket.

"Stephen." Michael walked up to me placing a hand on my chest. "Let me do the talking."

I gave him a stiff nod following him to the front door. He knock standing back, we waited. Minutes later the door opened revealing Kate's mother. Her face paled arms wrapping around her waist.

"Can I help you officers?"

I stepped forward handing Michael the papers.

"Miss, we have a warrant to search your house." He handed her the papers watching as she read it.

She gave a stiff nod stepping aside for us to enter. We walked through the house checking everything. Leaving Michael to talk to her I looked around.

"Sir." One of the officers called drawing my attention to him.

He stood in the doorway of a room with a frown. Walking towards him I stepped into it. The room is medium sized, vanity table, double bed, bathroom and a closet. I stepped past them straight into the closet where he pointed. On one wall the clothes has been pushed aside revealing a wall full of photo's.

I stepped closer my heartbeat increasing.

Almost the whole wall is covered in photo's. Photo's of me, from my childhood. Then newer photo's of Alia and me with Sebastian and Danny. With their baby. Why does she have this?

"Bag it." I walked out stopping in the room.

Everything seems normal, but underneath it all the crazy bitch somehow managed to hide it all.

"Take the laptop and everything else. I want nothing left behind."


I PACED BACK AND forth in my office. Running another hand through my hair I paused by the window. The trees swayed back and forth with the wind, the thunder clouds filling the once blue sky.

Where is she? Is she safe? Is she warm? Is she eating enough?

Spinning around I stormed out of my office. Minutes later I entered the laboratory. I need to keep busy, the waiting is making me crazy. What if Kate is lying? What if it's a hoax? Shaking my head I asked them if they found anything, getting a negative reply. Michael entered his face grim.

I feel guilty.

He should be at home with his family, with his kids. Not here working on something that might not even be true.

"Sir, you might want to see this."

I walked towards the man standing next to Michael. The man typed on the computer for a few seconds before leaning back. My breath caught in my throat, sweat trailing down my back.


"You want this baby?" I asked softly licking her earlobe. "You want me to touch you?"

"Yesss." She hissed tilting her head to the side.

Leaning forward I grabbed the USB stick from the computer box's then stormed out of the room. I ran a hand through my hair slamming my office door shut behind me. Walking over to my desk I took a seat rebooting my computer.

Minutes later I stared at the video again. A video of me and Alia in the shower at the beach house. It has been cut showing only when we entered the shower and got out. There's a few photo's of me, then the photo's that was posted on Facebook.

"Fuck!" My hand slammed down on the wood. "Fuck!"

Not even a second later the door opened. His eyes are blazing with ill concealed anger. Michael slammed the door shut behind him staring at me silently.

"I didn't know about the camera." I broke the silence slowly standing from the chair.

"When was it taken?"

I hesitated, eyes dropping to the computer screen. "The week I took off at the end of March."

Letting out a harsh laughter he shook his head. He ran a hand down his face, shoulders sagging.

"We have enough evidence against her. Make it disappear."


KATE SAT SILENTLY AT the steel table. Her eyes are focused on her cuffed hands. She's nervous, fidgeting in her seat. The door opened, a second later Michael entered the room. She instantly tensed but refused to look at him.

I leaned against the wall, folding my arms across my chest. He forbid me from going into the room. Don't blame him, I'll strangle her to death for everything she has done.

"Why?" Michael asked taking a seat opposite her. "Why are you coming forward now?"

Kate said nothing.

"Do you know who kidnapped my daughter?"

"She isn't your daughter." Slowly she looked up at him. "He isn't hers."

I frowned.

"Do you know where Alia is?"

She smiled, letting out a low laugh. Leaning back in the chair she glanced behind Michael at the mirror.

"I want to talk to Stephen."

No matter what he said. How he tried, she refused to talk to him. Michael had no choice to leave the room and for me to take his place. My legs bounced up and down as I sat across from her, waiting for her to speak.

"You look sick." Kate leaned forward eyes trailing over my face. "But hot with a beard."

Anger filled me making my hand tighten into a fist. "Cut the crap Kate. You wanted me, I'm here. Where's Alia?"

"Why did you choose her?"


"I thought after that night... I thought we would be a official couple. Then you met her, sweet innocent Alia. I fucking hate her, she has everything." Her eyes darkened eyes turning blank. "She thought she's perfect, so I changed that. All the time I talked about my past, she said she understood. She didn't nobody did!"

Slamming my hand down on the table I stood leaning on my hands to glare at her.

"I don't give a fuck about your back story. You're reasons why. You said you know where Alia is, that's all I want to know." I leaned closer eyes narrowing on her. "Where the fuck is Alia?"

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now