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WAVE AFTER WAVE OF emotion flashed through him. It made his chest tighten, eyes fill up with tears. It felt unreal, they found her. Moving forward Stephen gently wrapped his arms around her small form.

He ignored the foal smell of the house that clung to her skin.

"S-Stephen." Alia reached out with her free arm wrapping it around him. "Stephen."

He pulled back cupping her cheek with a shaky hand. Moving the dirty strands of hair from her face, his green eyes took in the dark fading bruises. She looks so small, so thin. Fuck, she must be cold.

His eyes dropped, lips pressing together when he took her in. She's barely dressed!


With tear filled eyes she watched him. She can hardly believe it! Everyday she dreamt of him, of Stephen rescuing her from that monster. The hope had faded slowly as the days passed. She can't believe he's here.

The baby cried out, moving against the thin arm wrapped protectively around him. Alia's eyes dropped her hand moving to tuck the blanket around him. He's only four month's old. Leaning down she whispered soothing words to him, her chapped lips brushing against his forehead.

Stephen watched silently. Why is she holding a baby? Where did the baby come from? Is it hers? That monster's child?

"Alia?" He moved closer shielding them from the cold with his body. "The baby-"

"H-he kidnapped him." She looked up at him. "S-she is dead Stephen, h-his mother."

"It's okay." He smiled pulling her against his chest. "Everything will be okay."

Both of them know that it won't be the same again. Stephen can only imagine what she had to go through since she got kidnapped. No one will know until she tells them. Letting out a low laugh Stephen pulled back staring down at her.

"I got you baby." A tear dropped. "You're save. I've got you."



THE MACHINE BEEPED STEADILY, the sound echoing around the room. I shifted in the seat keeping my eyes focused on Alia. Her chest rose and fell slightly as she breathed. She's sleeping peacefully because of the medication they gave her.

"The doctor needs to check you." Michael said softly from the doorway.

I glanced at him making no move to get up. "It's just a bruise, I'm fine."

The pain was forgotten the moment I took Alia into my arms. They found us half an hour later. I took the blanket from the man wrapping it tightly around her and the baby before picking her up.

Michael started crying the moment he saw her when I stepped out of the woods. He had been injured in the gun fight, but thankfully it wasn't deadly. So many emotions flashed through his eyes. Then his eyes had dropped to the baby and I saw the hate flashing through them.

I leaned forward in the chair, my eyes on Alia once again. She's just skin and bones, how she managed to run so far I have no clue. I admire her for that, for fighting and not giving up.


"Did you call Patrick?" I asked him before he could say anything else.

Michael stepped further into the room taking a seat on the couch. His eyes trailed over her before moving to me.

"I called them, but I told them to stay there." He sighed running a hand down his face. "It won't do any good if everyone comes here all at once."

I nod. "No it won't do any good."

We sat in silence listening to the steady beat of the heart monitor. Although Alia is out of danger there is still a long road of recovery ahead of her. Therapy, regular hospital visits and everything else that will come with it.

The door opened making my body tense. Standing I spun around ready for action. A doctor entered the room giving us a small smile. Stepping into the room she walked over to the bed checking on Alia. Seeming satisfied she turned to us her eyes glancing between the two of us. Her eyes dropped to the file she held in her hand, before looking back up at us.

"We are running some test on her, the results will take a while before it's in." She said softly glancing down at Alia. "For now she has to stay here until we are completely sure that she is okay."

"Can you tell us anything now?"

I stepped towards the bed placing my hand on her small one. My eyes trailed over her, stopping on her face. She has a yellow brownish bruise on her cheek. Her left eye is slightly swollen and turning purple. Her bottom lip is split, dark bruises on her neck. It stood out clearly against her pale, almost transparent, skin.

"Alia is severely underweight and dehydrated." She paused glancing between us. "Her body has taken a lot of hits, the X-rays shows a lot of broken bones. Other than the broken bones she has suffered a lot of other forms of abuse."

I swallowed the lump in my throat, chest tightening. She has suffered through everything, because of me. It was all my fault, if I had listened to my aunt, if I had ended things, this would never have happened.

It's all because of me.

"Can you take a look at him?" Michael's voice made my head snap up. "He took a bullet to the chest."

"Sure, please follow me officer." The doctor walked to the door pausing the look at me.

My eyes dropped to Alia, then moved to Michael.

"I'll stay with her."

Leaning down I placed a kiss on her forehead, my lips lingering for a few more seconds.

"I'm so fucking sorry." My voice cracked, throat closing up.

I squeeze my eyes shut, swallowing heavily. Reaching up I stroked her cheek softly, placing another kiss on her forehead.

"I love you."

I straightened giving her one last glance before walking out of the room. Telling the doctor that I need to use the bathroom, I walked out of the hospital. I made it to my car unlocking it before getting inside.

It's for the best. She's better off without me. It's all my fault.

Pulling my phone from my pocket I hesitated. My finger hovered above the number as I glanced at the hospital. It's for the best. I dialed the number.

"I need your help."

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now