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“Are you ready?” I glanced up into the mirror.

Stephen stood behind me. I could feel his eyes trailing over me and that made me feel slightly self-conscious. It was their last night here so we decided to go out. Of course Derrick would be going with us. After some discussion we decided to go to the movies and have dinner after it.

“Almost,” I muttered, applying some lip-gloss. “Now I’m done.”

I turned around to face him. Soothing my hands down my hips, I raised my head. Stephen was silently staring at me. It felt like hours before he moved. He took a small step forward until we stood almost chest to chest.

“You look beautiful,” he whispered.

“Really? It’s not too much?”

He shook his head as his eyes trailed over me again. “It is perfect baby.”

“Was there a reason you told me to wear a dress?”

The familiar, sexy smirk appeared on his face. Stephen gave me a wink and then leaned forward to peck my lips. “You’ll see.”

Half an hour later we arrived at the mall. Sebastian and Trina were making sure everybody was feeling relaxed. Nathan still looked grim and didn’t say much. As for Kate, she was acting like her old self. My eyes fell on Derrick. Something inside me felt bad for him. In all the time I’ve known Kate she never once gave any sign that she regretted having Derrick.

Sebastian and Trina decided to watch an action movie. Derrick wanted to watch some cartoon so Nathan agreed to watch it with him. I had to choose which one I wanted to watch. It was a hard choice because there weren’t really any good movies showing. I decided on a romantic comedy. Kate set out on her own.

“Stephen?” Sebastian called from somewhere behind us. “How was the music festival?”

He squeezed my hand before glancing over his shoulder. “Amazing.”

My cheeks heated. I somehow got the feeling that he wasn’t talking about the music festival.

“Ladies, I think it’s time we do some shopping while we’re here.”

“I agree,” Trina called out.

They turned to me. I shrugged. After a long kiss from Stephen and a promise to meet up at the movie theatre in half an hour, we were off. I kept myself mostly on the side-lines as they shopped. They went all out by buying things they didn’t really need.

Kate had managed to push me into the dressing room at one time, but I quickly refused to buy the clothes. It made me feel trashy. Definitely not my style.

“You never told me how your birthday went,” Kate said.

I glanced up at her from where I was browsing some dressed marked off. “It was great.”

“Did you do anything interesting?”

“Of course they did!” Trina suddenly appeared. “There are a lot of things to do at a music festival. Especially the one they went too.”

“It was fun,” I agreed. “Lots of games, and stuff to buy. The music was also great but the rain ruined the fun. We had to stop at a hotel because it started hailing.”

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now