Chapter Forty Seven

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ALIA WAS RELEASED FROM the hospital four weeks later with a list of instructions. She was happy to see her family, smiling and talking like nothing's wrong. I could tell that she's not really herself, even if she act's like it.

I took off at work, this time without any hassle from the chief.

Running a tired hand down my face I leaned back in the chair wincing as it creaked slightly. My eyes moved to the bed where Alia laid asleep. Her hair is sprayed over the pillows, chest raising and falling steadily. Logging off I turned off the laptop collecting the papers and placing them into the file. I stood switching off the desk lamp.

Exiting the room I walked down the stairs making sure everything is locked. I drank some milk before making my way upstairs again.

I entered the bedroom as silently as I could, but I froze as I saw Alia sitting up in bed.

"What's wrong?" I closed the door softly behind me before making my way towards her.

"I thought you left."

I frowned taking a seat next to her on the edge of the bed. Reaching up I moved some hair from her face.

"I just made sure everything is locked."

She nodded surprising me when she moved forward climbing onto my lap. I wrapped my arms around her burying my nose in her hair.

She smells like vanilla, she smells delicious.

"Are you okay?" I broke the silence pulling away to look down at her.

"Yes." She whispered then shook her head eyes filling with tears. "No."

"Talk to me baby."

Alia looked away from me seeming to hesitate. Slowly she crawled off my lap back onto the bed. Grabbing a pillow she placed it on her lap gripping it tightly.

"Are you going to leave me?"

Her question stunned me into silence for a few seconds. Running a hand through my hair I placed my leg on the bed turning to face her more.

"What makes you think that?" I asked her instead of giving her a straight answer.

Her eyes locked with mine only for a second before dropping to her lap. They give away so much, emotions she won't talk about.

"You said you didn't want a baby, but you stayed because you felt like you had too." She paused sucking in a shaky breath. "There is no baby anymore, you're not obliged to stay with me."

So she's scared of me leaving her? Of walking away and leaving her alone with nothing. Does she think so little of me? It stung knowing that she's allowing the talks of town to get to her.

"Look at me baby." I leaned forward tilting her face up so I could catch her eyes. "I know what you're thinking, you can forget it. I was never planning on dumping you."

"But-" She swallowed her eyes dropping from mine. "How we met, it's different. I sold my virginity to you to save Kate, we were never really dating-"

"Alia." I interrupted her forcefully cupping her cheeks. "If this was just a business exchange I would have dumped you months ago. I would never have gone through so much trouble to spend the holiday with you. I would not have gone through all that trouble to make your first time special."

Tears dropped from her eyes onto her cheeks. Smiling sadly I wiped the tears away with my thumbs.

"You're the only girl that has managed to crack the wall around my heart." My smile widened as her eyes slightly filled with happiness.

"You told your aunt I'm your friend."

I chuckled hands dropping to clasp hers. "I didn't want you to be dragged into my past. You're the only girl I will ever love."

My heartbeat increased as a gasp fell from her lips. Her eyes snapped up to mine, wide and filled with surprise.


"I love you." Leaning forward I pressed my lips against hers.

I deepened the kiss as her hands wrapped around my neck. Gripping the back of her neck I pushed her face up with my thumbs under her chin. I traced her bottom lip with my tongue slipping it inside as her lips parted.

"Stephen." Alia whispered breaking the kiss. "I love you too."


THE EXAMINATION ROOM IS silent and slightly cold as we waited for the doctor. Alia sat on the bed legs swinging back and forth.

My eyes trailed over her a smile forming on my lips. She's dressed in a pair of black tights with a knee length floral pink dress. Her hair is tied into two braids falling down her back. She looks so young dressed like this.

She is so young.

"Do you think she'll give the all clear to have sex again?"

I raised an eyebrow at her leaning back in the uncomfortable chair.

"Don't look at me like that." She crossed her arms over her chest. "I know you're dying to know too."

"Of course I am baby. I've been walking around the house with blue balls because of all your teasing." I smirked as her cheeks heated. "I can't wait to stick my dick into your tight pussy."

"Stephen!" She yelled making me laugh. "You are so disgusting at times."

The door opened and a second later the doctor entered. She glanced between us with a smile. Placing a brown folder aside she walked towards the bed.

"Lay down for me, I just want to check the scar." The doctor ordered Alia softly.

She laid down pulling the dress up to just above her bellybutton. The scar looks raw and tender but I know it has healed. It will always be there, a reminder of what could have been. We would have been parents. An unplanned family.

I dropped my eyes to the floor. A wave of guilt washed through me. It was my job to make sure every possible precaution was made to prevent this from happening. Because of me Alia lost her family, she got kicked out of school. And all because I couldn't think with the right head.


My head snapped up locking with her blue ones. "Yes?"

Alia's cheeks heated as she glanced at the doctor then back at me. The doctor cleared her throat walking over to the folder.

"I just told Alia that everything looks good. It has healed nicely and that she can resume her everyday activities."

I smirked looking back at Alia, her cheeks heated even more which made me chuckle.

"Though, there is one thing I would like to discuss with both of you." She turned around glancing between the two of us. "That is birth control methods."


Thank you all for well wishes and kind words :)

So just a few more chapters left..


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