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A COLD BREEZE HIT my back as the sheets are lifted. A few seconds later the bed dipped as he climbed into it. I swallowed squeezing my eyes close. A part of me wants to be alone as far away from him or anyone else. Then the other part needs him to hold me and tell me that everything will be okay.

Stephen laid silently next to me, he seemed to sense my mixed emotions and made no move to touch me. Licking my dry lips I slowly turned around to face him. Stephen laid on his back staring up at the ceiling. The soft glow of the lamp cast dark shadows around the room.

With a deep sigh he turned onto his side, his eyes trailed over my cheeks. Slowly he moved his hand up wiping his thumb over my damp cheek. Having two bombs dropped onto you in a span of an hour, takes it's toll.

Lung cancer.


I smiled letting out a giggle. "Hi."

Reaching up I took hold of his hand linking our fingers together. My eyes dropped as his got a more serious glint. I know what's coming and I'm not ready to have this conversation. What do I say? What do I do? The moment my mom had dropped the last bomb I stormed out. She's my mother but he's not my father. My whole life I only knew him as that, but suddenly he's a stranger.


I turned onto my back placing our linked hands on my stomach.

          "I don't know what to think." I said softly my voice fading slightly. "It changes a lot."

         "Only if you act like that." I frowned. "Alia, you've lived your whole life believing that Michael is your father. You don't know your real father, he's a stranger. You have two choices. Meet the stranger and replace the memories of Michael. Or keep the stranger a stranger and Michael your father."

         "You're confusing me." I turned my head to him. "I don't want to meet my biological father, if he wanted to be part of my life then he would have been there. Dad- Michael has been there for everything, even when he seemed distant. He's the only dad I've ever known."

Silence settled again as I pounded over my words. I felt my eyes filling with tears again.

            "Is that why he kicked me out? Because he finally had enough of raising the bastard child?"

          "Baby." He wrapped his arm around me pulling me into his chest as I started crying again.

Minutes later my tears had dried up. Eyes burning and throat dry. Drowsiness settled in, but I pushed it away, I'm not ready to go to sleep yet.

          "Do you want some water?" He broke the silence between us.

I shook my head moving closer to him. Turning onto his back he pulled me with him. I placed my leg over his laying my head on his chest.

          "She's dying." I whispered tracing shapes on his chest.

He hummed stroking my hair.

          "I don't want her to die." I leaned up looking at him. "It can be treated right? With surgery or chemo-"

           "It has spread to the neighbouring organs." Stephens interrupted me softly. "No surgery or chemotherapy or anything else will make it go away, baby. It's too late."

Placing my head back on his chest I closed my eyes. Nothing can cure her, she's dying. My mom is dying. How long do I have until she's gone?

           "Do you ever think about the future?"

The hand stroking my hair paused, only for a second before continuing.

          "A lot since I met you." Stephen said softly his voice low.

His heartbeat sped up slightly beneath my ear. I smiled, but it disappeared a few seconds later. What if I'm not in his future?


         "I dream of us." He stopped my words. "Of us living in a big house with a white fence and kids running around. I dream of you walking down the isle in a beautiful white dress. Of me slipping my ring on your finger and finally claiming you as mine. I dream of you pregnant with my baby."

I blinked back the tears slowly moving to look at him. His eyes instantly caught mine, the hope and the dreams swimming in the green depths. His hand cupped my cheek, thumb slowly tracing my bottom lip.

          "I dream of all that things, but only with you." His voice lowered slightly. "I can't imagine it with anyone else."

           "Me neither." I sniffed smiling down at him. "I love you Stephen."

         "I love you too baby."

Leaning up and slightly on his chest I pressed my lips against his. Slowly I moved them like he had first taught me too, I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth. Nibbling with my teeth he groaned hands moving to my hips.

          "Alia." He broke the kiss moving me higher up his chest to look at me clearly. "Not tonight baby."

I frown rejection flashing through me. "Why?"

Smiling he moved placing me on my back, he hovered above me. Stephen reached up stroking the hair from my face as his eyes searched all over.

         "You were just told that Michael isn't your father. That your mother is dying." His eyes locked with mine. "Now you want to have sex?"

         "Yes." I breathed without any hesitation.

Placing my hand on his hips I traced the band of his silk pajama pants. His eyes narrowed but he made no move to pull away. Opening his mouth I cut off his words by leaning up and capturing his lips.

With a groan he pulled back falling into his back. I sighed turning my back to him. Pulling the sheets up to my chin I closed my eyes. His arm wrapped around my waist pulling me back against him.

         "I want to make love to you." His breath fanned my ear. "But I know that you will regret if later, you'll feel guilty and I don't want you to feel like that."

I sigh relaxing back against him. He's right. I want to use sex as an outlet to forget about the shit that has happened tonight. To forget about the pain and hate.

His hand slowly, carefully dropped to my stomach. I sucked in a shaky breath as he moved his hand under the shirt. His skin is warm and rough against mine.


Stephen hesitated slightly his fingers stroking my skin slowly. He shifted slightly his lips brushing my ear.

            "Do you really think I'll make a good father?"

I smiled, I can feel the heat in his cheeks. The questions is innocent, yet curious, shy almost. Placing my hand on his I let out a satisfied breath. My eyes are already fluttering close as sleep clouded my mind.

           "You will make an amazing father."

He smiled placing a kiss against my shoulder. Pulling me closer I turned around burying my face in the crook of his neck.

           "I want to marry you, build a family. I love you Alia."

I barely just caught the words. His words made my heartbeat increase but before I could say anything I faded into darkness.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now