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I SUCKED IN A shocked breath as he reached out. He placed his hand on my shoulder, slowly tracing a single finger down to the top of my breast. Forcing my hands to stay on my lap, I gripped the dress squeezing my eyes shut.

            "I tried to escape." I whispered. "He tied me to a chair and poured hot water on me."

I gripped his hand moving it down my side to my hip. He traced the ragged scar with rough fingers. I moved his hand again, lower, to the top of my thigh. There's six, seven inch lines carved in my skin by a hot knife.

          "It's how many times he r-raped me." I refused to look at him, I don't want to see the disgust.

I threw the dress on the passenger seat exposing my other leg. It held the same amount of scars as the other. But it wasn't the worse, and neither is the burns. Moving his hand from my leg, I turned slightly revealing my back.

Stephen breathed in sharply. 

A tear dropped down my cheek, then another and another. "He whipped me, sometimes with the belt and other times with the leather whip."

My body tensed as I felt him touch my back. The skin is badly damaged, the doctors couldn't really heal it. Raw and red. A sob fell from my lips, breath catching in my throat when he leaned forward. His lips are warm against my skin. With so much tenderness he kissed the skin of my back.

          "S-Stephen." I moved away turning slowly to face him.

His face is pale, hand shaking as he cupped my cheek. Wrapping his other arm around my waist he pulled me against his chest. I closed my eyes as he leaned his forehead against mine.

            "Open your eyes."

I don't want to. He's going to let me down easily, not to hurt my feelings. He's going to walk away without a backward glance.


My eyes snap open instantly locking with his. It's too dark for me to make out his expression. I can feel his breath against my  lips.

              "I would want you till the day I die. When we are old and wrinkled and finding it difficult to walk." His lips pulled up in a smile. "When your stomach is round and filled with our child. I would want you when you get love handles, a stomach pouch."

I couldn't stop the laugh that escape along with a few more tears. Closing the space between us, I pressed my lips against his slowly kissing him. He gave me control, allowing me to lead the kiss. Before I could deepen it he pulled away.

             "I love you Alia." Stephen said softly moving the hair from my face. "I'll only ever love you, no one else."

            "I love you too."

Shifting on his lap, I straddled him. I buried my hands in his hair before smashing my lips on his again. Stephen let out a low groan making my stomach tighten. His hands gripped my hips pulling my closer against him.

Thankfully, before things could get out of hand, Stephen's phone started ringing. Breaking the kiss, he shifted slightly, pulling the phone from his jeans pocket.

            "Yeah?" He glanced at me, lips pulling up into a smile. "No, she's with me."

I leaned my head against his shoulder sucking in a breath. His scent filled my nostrils making my body relax. He didn't reject me. Happiness flooded me making my lips pull up into a smile.

             "We need to go." His lips brushed my ear. "Your father is out of surgery."



HE ROOM IS SILENT apart from the steady beating of the machine's. My father laid on the bed with a tube down his throat. His right eye is swollen completely shut, left arm covered in bandages.

             "He's out of danger." The doctor stood next to the bed. "We've managed to stop the internal bleeding, the lung puncture wasn't that bad. The tube will be removed once he breath's on his own. Apart from the broken ribs, he has some bruising, and the damage to his left arm. Your father is one lucky man."

With that he walked out of the room closing the door softly behind him. I walked closer to the bed on shaky legs, placing my hand on top of his I leaned forward.

           "Sam's okay dad." I whispered kissing his forehead. "And you will be okay, I know you will."

Stephen leaned silently against the wall as I sat down in the chair next to the bed. I didn't speak, I had no clue what to say, so I sat there holding his hand. Minutes passed before the door opened again.

I watched as Tyler entered followed by Patrick behind her. After making sure that he's okay and talking for a while Tyler turned noticing Stephen. My eyes widened as she stormed towards him. Jumping up I held up my hand, but it was too late.

The sound of the slap echoed around the room. His head snapped to the side, cheek already turning red with a hand print. She hit him again making him drop to the floor with a groan.

           "Tyler!" I pushed her away kneeling by Stephen.

Patrick pulled her away, burying his face against her shoulder to stop his laughter.

           "Are you okay?" I asked him feeling my face heating up.

Stephen cupped his crotch, face comforted into one of pain. "Just give me a minute."

His voice is hoarse. Falling back on his ass, he leaned against the wall with his head back and eyes closed.

           "Do you want some ice?"

I glared at Patrick making him burst out laughing again. My gaze moved to my sister seeing her smirking. When our eyes locked her smirked widened, eyes dancing with silent laughter.

            "He deserved it."

            "Now honey." Patrick pulled my sister against him again. "Violence isn't the answer to everything."

            "Fuck off." With one last glance at Stephen, she walked out  of the hospital room.

Stephen let out a laugh snapping my attention to him. His eyes caught mine making me roll them.

         "Who knew your sister could be so violent."

        "Do you need anything?" I placed my hand on his leg my eyes dropping to his crotch.

         "Only you baby."

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now