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“He hit you out of anger?”

I nodded, as I took another sip of my coffee. Patrick and my sister sat across from me at the table in Stephen's kitchen. They had arrived half an hour after I took a shower. Patrick looked extremely pissed while my sister had a poker face.

“He wouldn't do that,” she said softly. “Dad isn't someone to let his anger get the best of him.”

“So you're saying I'm lying?”

The look on her face answered my question. I shook my head in disbelief– my own sister thought of me as a liar.

“Come on Alia I'm just saying, I've done worse shit than you and he never hit me in anger.”

Pushing my chair back, I stood and walked out of the kitchen. I was halfway upstairs when a hand gripped my wrist. Through blurry eyes I stared down at Stephen.

He gave my wrist a gentle tug which made me walk down the stairs until I stood in front of him.

“No need for tears baby,” he whispered.

“Why is it always me?” I asked him softly. “I just want him to look at me like he does to them. I want him to love me.”

“He loves you sweetheart,” Patrick said from our left, “he just has a different way of showing it to you.”

A tear dropped down my cheek as I shook my head again. They could tell me that until they turned blue, I knew he didn't love me like he loved them. If he loved me then why did he hit me? Why did he say that he wished my mom gave me to that bastard? My eyes fell on my sister who stood in the doorway. She gave me a small smile and one I couldn't return.

“Come on, I made you something to eat,” Stephen said softly as he stepped back.

“I'm not hungry.”

“You didn't eat anything yesterday and I allowed that because you were in shock, but I'm not going to allow that now. You need to eat Alia, either willingly or I'll force you.”

I swallowed, but allowed him to lead me back into the kitchen and to the table. Patrick and Taylor refused breakfast but Stephen ate along with me. He kept the conversation up with my brother-in-law and sister. We were just starting to clean up when Stephen's phone started ringing. I watched him silently as he picked it up.

His face converted into one of anger as his body tensed. Our eyes locked and I could tell whatever that person was saying was something he didn't like.

“Thanks Brian,” he muttered before hanging up. “The photos have been deleted from social media.”

“That's good,” Patrick said from his place at the table.

Before anyone could say anything else, the doorbell rang. Stephen pursed his lips. With one last glance at me he made his way towards the front door. I stepped closer in curiosity. The door was opened to reveal a man dressed in a police uniform. He was unfamiliar but the man standing behind him wasn’t.

“Mr. Daniels?” Stephen nodded. “May we come in?”

“What's this about?” he questioned him.

“It's been brought to our attention that you're having sexual relations with a minor,” the officer said softly, his eyes locked on me for a few seconds.

“As you're aware we have to follow up on the complaints we receive.”

Stephen stepped aside to allow them to enter. My father was glaring at me as he walked into the living room. Behind him a female officer entered carrying a small black case.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now