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“You're so beautiful,” Stephen whispered, as his lips trailed down my neck.

My body arched against his body when he slowly lowered me onto the bed. I moaned as his hand cupped my breasts before slowly sliding down my side again. He was just about to pull the shirt from my body when the scene suddenly changed.

I was no longer with Stephen in his room. I was surrounded by darkness until lights started to flicker. Michael appeared in front of me, he wore his police uniform proudly. But the eyes staring at me were filled with so much hatred.

“You're a bastard child. You don't belong in this family. You're not my daughter- you're an intruder! You need to get out.”

A scream fell from my lips when his hands closed around my neck. I couldn't breathe. My eyes watered as I stared at him– as I tried to get his hands off me. The longer he held on, the further I began to fade. I was dying. My father was killing me.


My eyes snapped open.

Through blurry eyes I stared at him as he spoke again.


My body jerked in fright as my eyes snapped open to stare up at Kate. She was hovering above me with a frown between her eyebrows. Giving her a small smile, I sucked in air as I turned onto my back.

“Are you okay?”

“I'm fine,” I lied smoothly.

How could I dump my problems on my best friend when she already had her own?

Two weeks had passed since I found out the truth. I've been avoiding going home for as much as I possibly could. My mom had tried to speak to me twice, but I brushed her off. The fact that she had an affair with my uncle– my biological father– was sickening. I've been living all these years with him right under my nose and I never noticed.

I was so focused on impressing a man I thought of as my father, that I didn't notice the things that were missing.

Mike– my uncle Mike was actually my father. I haven't told Stephen about it either. We met regularly at the café we first met us. He told me that it would have to stay that way until the complaint against him was dropped.

All that was allowed between us was a brief kiss when he showed up and before he left. I could tell that he was stressed about everything, and I thought about ending things between us just to make the stress go away. But every time I opened my mouth the end it the words would fail me.

I was slowly but surely starting to fall for him which was extremely bad. I couldn't– he made that perfectly clear.

“The shower is all yours Alia,” Kate muttered, snapping me back to reality.


I grabbed my clothes and made my way into the bathroom across the hall. The water wasn't as hot as I liked, but I couldn't complain. I've been staying with Kate since Friday and I knew she was getting sick of me. It was strange because she usually never had a problem with this before.

We used to have sleepovers all the time before things got serious at school. A thought hit me but I quickly brushed it off, Kate wasn't like that.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now