Chapter Forty

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I PULLED THE BLANKET tighter around my shoulders sniffing. Wiping my nose with the back of my hand I got comfortable again. As comfortable as it can be sitting on the dirt.

My eyes are drawn to the flickering lights below. I've been sitting here for hours now, my phone has been ringing nonstop in my car. In a matter of three hours, I've been kicked out of the house. Been told by Stephen that he doesn't want a kid, and had my name slandered by those posters.

What a great fucking day.

I'm pregnant. I'm eighteen, homeless, jobless and still in high school. How the hell am I going to take care of this baby? All on my own? Manage school and find a job? My mid terms are only two months away, and now this.

The scrunch of tyres on the dirt drew my attention. Turning around I watched as the car pulled to a stop next to mine. A few seconds later Patrick got out walking towards me. I turned back around feeling my shoulders dropping.

           "Hey." He sat down with a groan placing his elbows on his knees. "We were worried about you."

         "We? Who is we?" I asked softly my voice croaky. "My parents kicked me out, my aunt and uncle chased me away. My friends-"

New tears fell down my cheeks as a sob fell from my lips. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders pulling me in for a side hug.

           "No matter what happens, we will always be there for you. Your sister and I." Patrick kissed my forehead rubbing my arm.

We sat in silence for a few minutes as I cried silently. After the tears dried I decided to break the silence.

          "How did you know I'd be here?"

          "This was your favourite spot as a kid." He laughed making me smile as the same memories flashed through our minds.

          "I'm still a kid Patrick."

          "No." He turned to look at me. "You're not a kid anymore Alia, you're a grown woman."

Yet I wish I was still a little kid.

         "Come on, you're going to get sick if you stay out here. You can take the spare bedroom for as long as you want." He stood pulling me up with him before I could say anything.

Patrick gave me no choice but to agree. After loading my bags into his car and locking mine we set off.  I leaned my head back against the seat. My eyes started to droop as the movement of the car lulled me to sleep.



I RAN ANOTHER FRUSTRATED hand through my hair. My heartbeat is out of control, fear racing through me as I thought of every possible scenario. Alia has been missing for hours now.

I've looked everywhere I could think of. Kate isn't answering her phone neither is any of her other friends. The only other person I could think of was her parents. Yet the moment I stepped foot onto that yard I could tell something is wrong.

I rang the doorbell standing back as I waited for someone to answer. Half an hour passed before the door open. Michael stood in front if me, his eyes instantly narrowed. Before I could blink he punched me.

I fell to the ground blinking up at the sky as searing pain flashed through my jaw.

          "Stay the fuck away from my family you bustard!" The door slammed shut behind him.

A few seconds later I learned that he had kicked Alia out of the house. Just like that, his own fucking daughter.

           "Any news?" Nathan asked softly entering the kitchen.

I shook my head dropping the ice pack onto the counter. I shouldn't have said that to her, I was so fucking stupid. What else was I suppose to do? Kate came over yesterday, she told me that she caught Alia in bed with someone else.

Then she showed me photo's, photo's that looked so real. The biggest shock, she said that Alia is pregnant with his child.

I'm a grown man for fuck's sake, I should have known it was some childish story of hers to break us up. Alia have never been with anyone else but me, she sold me her virginity to save her friend.

What a backstabbing bitch her friend turned out to be.

           "Bro." Nathan said drawing my attention to him. "There's something I have to show you."

          "What?" I straightened turning to face him.

He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket unfolding it before handing it over to me.

Another wave of regret washed through me as I started down at the paper.

          "It's all over town."


WORDS SPREAD FAST AROUND town. By Thursday everyone in town knew that Alia is pregnant. Stories escalated quickly, also the fact that she has been kicked out by her father.

Still I've gotten no news on her whereabouts. The fact that she's pregnant with my baby makes it so much worse. I'm going to be a father. I can't be a father.


My eyes snap towards the door where one of the police officers stood.

          "There's a man asking to see you." He said softly pointing over his shoulder.

I gave him a stiff nod standing as a tall man entered the office. His hazel eyes locked with mine. They are shining with concern making me frown.

           "Can I help you?"

           "You're Alia's boyfriend?"

I nod stepping around the desk. "Is she okay? Have you found her?"

            "I'm Patrick Sullivan, Alia's brother in law." He held out his hand which I shook. "I need you to come with me."

           "Why?" My eyes narrowed on him in suspension.

Patrick Sullivan. I frowned at him. His name sounds very familiar, where have I heard it before? My eyes trailed over him again. He's as tall as me. His chest is broad, hair long and messy. My eyes dropped to the tattoo on his wrist. One I've seem many times in my career.

         "Devil's Fire."

He smirked. "Ah, so you know about us."

I narrow my eyes at him opening my mouth to speak but he cut me off.

         "Alia is sick. She needs you."

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now