Chapter Seventeen

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HE SAID I'M JUST a friend. Is he fucking serious? He said that after having his dick stuck up in my pussy.

I sigh pinching the bridge of my nose with my fingers. Does he really think that low of me? What the hell happened to "We're not having sex till you're eighteen."?

I'm not going to lie, having him inside me felt amazing. His lips and his hands touching me..

I press my tights together squirming slightly in the uncomfortable chair. Now is not the time to be thinking about that shit.

           "You have ten minutes left."

I glanced at the teacher sitting at her desk, eyes trailing around the class. I'm so gonna fail this shit, I thought trying to concentrate on the paper in front of me. Only ten minutes left and I'm not even halfway done.

Closing my eyes, I sucked in a deep breath trying to clear my thoughts. All I can think about is him!

My dad is ignoring me, my mom only talks to me when she needs too and my sister is being a bitch. I don't get why they are so mad at me! I did nothing wrong, hell they didn't even ask me if I'm okay after the hospital incident.

          "Time's up!"

I quickly wrote down a bullshit answer before looking up. Kate is frowning at me from her seat to the left. Delilah has been rude to me since this morning and Dane gave me this strange looks.

Clearly I missed something. Or it's about the hospital incident, which I doubt.

I handed the reached my test giving her a small smile. The bell rang signalling the end of the period and the start of lunch. Packing my stuff quickly I shuffled out of class standing aside to wait for Kate.

She appeared a few minutes later with the same frown on her face. "Is there something I should know?"

          "What do you mean?" I questioned making my way to our place.

When she didn't follow I stopped turning to her with a frown of my own.

           "You're walking strange." Kate walked closer stopping in front of me. "I'm your best friend Alia, if something happened you'll tell me, right?" 

Giving her a small smile I hooked my arm through her. "Of course I will!"

Just not this. This is something between Stephen and me, something special that I don't want to ruin. He said you're just a friend.

I took my usual seat against the tree trunk dropping my school bag next to me. Stretching my legs out in front of me I sigh, what the hell happened this weekend?

           "I got invited to a barbeque this weekend." I broke the silence laughing as she looked at me in shock. 

          "Seriously?" I nod. "By whom?"

Licking my dry lips I pulled out my water bottle taking a sip. "By Stephen's cousin."

Before anything else could be said Delilah rushed over to us. Her eyes are glued to me, mouth pressed into a thin line.

           "You bitch!" She sat down in front of me her hands gripping my forearm painfully.  "Why the hell didn't you tell us?"

I winch pulling my arm from her grasp. "Tell you what?"

          "Don't act stupid!" She turned to Kate gesturing at me. "She's dating the bad boy cop."

My eyes widened heartbeat increasing as the words left her lips. Bad boy cop? The only- Stephen!

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now