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Two days later Kate suddenly showed up at the house. I was surprised when she gave me a hug. Kate acted like she usually would. To her nothing was wrong and I really hated that. I wanted to scream at her, maybe even punch her. How could she act like she wasn’t spreading lies? I used to love being around her, but now all I felt was fear. This wasn’t the Kate I made friends with. She had this crazed look in her eyes whenever she locked eyes with me.

We sat in the living room making small talk until she excused herself to go to the bathroom. I watched her as she walked down the hall. My phone pinged which made me jump. The message made my heartbeat increase. Fear washed through me as my body turned icy cold. I glanced up to make sure she was still in the bathroom before diving for her bag. Gripping the material, I quickly unzipped it before searching inside. My finger closed around her phone. It wasn’t password protected like I expected it to be. I thought the message Stephen send me was wrong, until I opened a folder that contained every single picture that was posted of us. Including those that were edited.

“Well look what we have here.”

The phone dropped along with the bag as I span around. Kate stood behind me with her eyes narrowed. I gave a nervous laugh as I pressed my hand against my chest.

“You scared me,” I said as I bent down to pick up the bag and phone. “Your phone started ringing.”

“Oh,” she muttered.

I handed the phone and bag over to her before moving away. My eyes fell on my phone lying on the couch. With a side glance at her I made my way back to it.

“Would you like some tea?” Kate suddenly asked.

“Uu… sure,” I muttered with a little uncertainty.

I watched as she made her way into the kitchen. The moment she disappeared from sight I grabbed my phone. My fingers flew over the keyboard as I replied to the earlier text.
Don’t do anything. Just act normal and don’t give anything away. I’m on my way.

I felt lightheaded. My stomach was knotted with nerves. I took a seat on the couch again. Kate's fingerprints were found in the house and on some of the photos. She was here on that night. My best friend was the one posting pictures on the internet, and spreading photos of us.

“Here you go.”

I took the cup from her with a shaky hand. With a small smile I placed it aside. I didn’t trust her enough to drink it. A tense silence had settled around us. She was busy typing on her phone. Her cheeks were flushed red. The front door suddenly burst open. My head snapped towards it. Stephen stepped inside the house and quickly closed the door behind him. His eyes locked with mine briefly before moving to Kate.

“Hey Stephen,” Kate said excitedly.

“Kate,” he muttered stiffly.

Our eyes locked as he took a seat next to me. With his arm wrapped around my shoulders he pulled me against his body. His lips caught mine before moving to my ear.

“Wait five minutes and then go to the bathroom,” he whispered against my ear.

Stephen answered Kate’s questions stiffly– like he usually would whenever they talked. His thumb stroked my arm all the while. I waited until I knew the five minutes had passed before making the excuse. Leaving him alone with he was something I was afraid to do, but I knew I had to.  The door softly clicked shut behind me. I walked over to the faucet and opened the tab. Splashing my face with cold water, I waited a few more minutes before walking out of the bathroom. My steps flattered when part of their conversation drifted towards me.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now