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The police station was crowded. This was the first time I've ever been in here and I was ready to run out the door again. I clutched the plastic bag against my stomach as I walked over to the counter.

"Excuse me?" I called out to the woman.

She looked up with a raised eyebrow. "Yes?"

"I'm here to see Officer Daniels." "Do you have an appointment?"

"Well n-no, but it's important-"

"Make an appointment and you can see him," she muttered, as her he focus dropped back to her computer.

I sucked in a breath as I tried to control my temper. The bag crinkled between my fingers. I opened my mouth ready to make a scene, but a man appeared. He glanced at the woman and then at me.

"You here to make a complaint?" He had a faint southern accent, and a deep voice. His blue eyes caught mine.

"I want to see Officer Daniels," I told him softly.

He raised an eyebrow as he stepped closer to the counter. His blond hair was messy but he looked neat in his uniform. The man was an inch or two taller than me. He had a slim but muscled body. "May I ask what it's about?"

"It's personal."

The statement made interest flash in his eyes. "Name?"

His eyes snapped to mine. I frowned as he smirked at me. "Ah, your Stephen's girl," he said. "Stephen is busy, but if you don't mind waiting I'll take you to his office."


He gestured to a door on my left. I walked through it and met him on the other side. We walked down a short hall that opened into another room. It was bigger than the front of the station. Tables were placed around neatly in a specific order. Officers lingered around. Some working on the computers and others laughing as they talked to others. I kept my eyes focused on the man's back as he led me between the desks. The place had fallen silent the moment they became aware of me. They were staring and I hated that. A door opened a second later. The man stood aside as he gestured to the office.
"I'll let him know you're here as soon as he's done."

"Thank you," I muttered.

He nodded, and then he was gone. I turned and took everything in. A desk stood in the middle of the office. It was littered with papers. A computer stood on the edge close to the medium sized window. On the left, pushed against the wall, was an old leather couch. Dropping the bag next to the desk, I hesitated before taking a seat on the leather chair behind it. The files on the desk caught my attention.

I was curious. Swallowing, I leaned forward and pulled it closer. There were photos of different men and girls around my age. The deeper I dug the more I wished I hadn't looked. Cremated bodies of girls found. Photos of them beaten. Some were even ripped apart with body pieces missing. I closed the file and pushed it aside just as the door opened. My eyes snapped to Stephen. He stood half in the office and half out. Someone was talking to him. He glanced at me over his shoulder before looking back at the person. A few minutes later he stepped into his office, and closed the door firmly behind him.

"Alia," he muttered.

Stephen dropped something on the desk as he walked around it. I stood on shaky legs. It's been weeks since I last saw him, but it felt like the first time all over again. My hand clutched the desk tightly as I waited for him to speak. He didn't. Stephen stepped forward, paused, and the closed the space between us.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now