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I’m pregnant. I’m fucking pregnant. The words repeated over and over in my mind as I stared at the wall.  Sam kicked her legs which made my eyes snap down to her. It was already past ten and I just managed to get her to sleep. We were lying on my bed with only the bedside lamps on. The big teddy bear was placed by the edge of the bed to keep her from rolling off. He needs to know, that voice whispered. I slowly sat up keeping my eyes on my baby sister. She didn’t stir. Placing pillows next to her, I made my way out of the room. The house was dark but I knew Stephen would be working in the kitchen.

He had returned earlier in a very foul mood. The fact that Kate was still here seemed to have pissed him off even more. After forcing Kate to keep everything silent she left. I paused in the doorway when my eyes fell on him. He was sitting at the table with his head bent over a blue file. I was about to step forward when he spoke.

“I’m fucking getting tired of this Nathan. How much longer do I need to pretend? It fucking makes me sick when she touches me.”

I grabbed the wall when my knees started to buckle. My eyes searched until I located his phone pressed to his ear.

“No,” he said angrily. I don’t give a fuck about that either. I’m done. I don’t fucking care if she’s pregnant! I want nothing to do with that bastard.”

With tear filled eyes I quietly turned and made my way towards my room again. He felt repulsed by me? Did Kate tell him? Is that what they were talking about before she left? He was going to leave me. I pressed a hand against my stomach as I sat down on the bed.

“It’s just you and me baby.”


The black van has been following me since I left school. Panic was washing through me. It made it hard to concentrate on what I was doing. My grip on the steering wheel tightened when the light turned red. I was thinking about running the red light, but that would endanger my baby. I glanced down at my stomach as I slowed the car. I had already started to show. The fact that I was pregnant wasn’t a secret anymore. The light turned green.

I didn’t wait to push my foot down on the gas. I needed to keep my baby safe. My car was halfway across the stop when I heard the horn. Something slammed into the back of my car and then into the side. My body jerked forward causing my head to slam into the steering wheel. Pain shot through me making me moan. I reached up to touch the side of my face. When I pulled my hand away it was covered in blood. I looked up just in time to see a familiar man walking towards me. My mouth opened but no sound came out. Everything was spinning and then the darkness closed in on me.

The sound of water dripping somewhere slowly pulled me from unconsciousness. I blinked but I was still surrounded by darkness. I tried to move my hand. Panic flashed through me when I realized I was tied to a chair. Rope cut into the skin of my wrist and neck. The more I struggled the tighter the rope around my neck became.

“I’d stop that if I was you,” a gruff voice said. “Don’t want you dead just yet.”

My body froze. Footsteps echoed around me and then seconds later it came to a stop. Something tugged on my hair. I cried out when my head was pulled back. Pain flashed through my skull. There was suddenly bright light. My eyes were tearing up because of the pain. Someone moved the light away from me and onto something else. My breath caught in my throat.

“S-Stephen,” I whispered.

He groaned. His head dropped onto his chest and then slowly rose. Red rimmed eyes caught mine. Blood dripped from the corner of him mouth. His chest was bare and covered in bruises and blood. A man stepped forward with a gun raised. I sucked in air and then scream when he fired. Stephen’s body jerked.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now