Chapter Eighteen

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I RUSHED TO THE FRONT door as soon as I heard a car pull up. Ignoring my noisy sister in the living room I pulled the door open.

Stephen got out of the police cruiser phone pressed to his ear. Stepping out of the house my eyes trailed over him. He's dressed in his dark blue uniform, gun and everything else strapped to the belt around his hips. His hair is a mess, cheeks flushed red and green eyes flashing in anger.

He ended the call making his way towards me.

            "Hi." I whispered as he stopped in front of me.

His lips twitched. "Hi."

I couldn't say anything else, not because I didn't know what to say, but because my dad pulled up in the driveway. He looks ready to murder.

           "What the fuck are you doing here Daniels?" He roared glaring at Stephen as he came to a stop next to us.

            "I called."

My dad turned, eyes glaring down at me. "Get in the house."

Shaking my head I took a step closer to Stephen. He placed his hand on my hip eyes locked onto my dad.

            "We have some things to talk about." Stephen said softly glancing down at me.

           "Yes we do." Dad's eyes snapped to me narrowing slightly. "Get in the house."

Stephen gave my hip a squeeze nodding his head towards the house. I hesitated only slightly before making my way into the house. Entering the kitchen my eyes fell on Sam in her baby chair.

            "Your dad is on his way home." My mom said softly glancing up at me.

            "He's already here."

Walking over to her I cooed picking her up. I made funny faces at her smiling when she laughed. There's just something about a baby laughing that makes you want to laugh.

Her tiny hand closed around my nose making me winch. Pulling her hand from my face I turned finding Stephen standing in the doorway. He's looking at me strangely.

I smiled at him shifting Sam in my arms. The movement seemed to snap him back to reality, he entered the kitchen.

            "Good afternoon Mrs. Dune."

My mother froze head snapping up. I watched as surprise flashed through her eyes then pain. What's wrong with her?

            "Afternoon Stephen." She said softly glancing at me then down.

She's been acting strange all day. This morning I caught her staring at me while I ate breakfast.

My father entered the kitchen kissing my mom on the cheek before taking a seat at the table.

            "Sit down, all of you."

Stephen placed his hand on the small of my back leading me to the table. For a few minutes silence surrounded us until my father spoke up.

           "Care to explain why the hell I caught one of my men staring at a picture of my half naked daughter?"

My body froze, heartbeat increasing as he glanced between the two of us. Stephen had tensed his hands forming fists.


           "Shut up Alia." He snapped turning his cold eyes to me. "Ever since he got into town you've changed."

           "I've changed long before I met him." I said softly hearing my mother's in drawn breath. "He brings out the best in me-"

          "Alia." My mom said softly shaking her head.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now