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Our moment was interrupted by Stephen’s phone ringing. He was called in for backup. That’s all he was willing to tell me. After a quick change of clothes and a kiss to the cheek, he left. Nathan arrived minutes later with some DVD’s and junk food. I joined him in the living room after raiding Stephen’s music collection. Who knew a bad-ass cop would be a country fan? Nathan and I stayed up watching movies until after midnight. When there was still no sign of Stephen I started to worry.
I was restless. Nathan had assured me numerous times that Stephen was fine. If something had happened then someone would’ve already called. When the clock struck one Nathan headed to bed. I changed the DVD’s and made myself a cup of hot chocolate.

My eyes started to close halfway through the movie. I laid down on the couch and pulled the blanket over my body. Through the haze of sleep I heard the front door open and close. Seconds later the TV was switched off. I opened my eyes when I felt the blanket being pulled from my body. The living room was in darkness. All I could make out was the outline of the person hovering over me.


“Why are you sleeping on the couch baby?” he questioned as he picked me up.

“I was waiting for you.” I pressed my face against his neck. “I was worried.”

Stephen stayed silent as he carried me into his room. He walked straight over to the bed and then lowered me. I clung to him, not wanting to let him go just yet. “Alia.”

“I missed you. Stay with me.”

His lips brushed my forehead. “I need to shower. I stink.”

“Noo,” I gripped his neck tighter. “You smell really good.”

Stephen chuckled. His hands gently loosened mine around his neck. I opened my eyes when he took a seat on the edge of the bed. “I’m going to take a quick shower and then I’ll join you. Tomorrow we can do anything we want.”

“You’re not working?”

“No,” he muttered, stroking my cheek. “I asked for the day off so we can do something.”

“Does that something involve you and me naked in bed?” I watched as his lips pulled up into a smile.

Amusement filled his eyes. “Whatever you want baby.”


I shivered as I made my way downstairs. It was just after seven and the sky was already filled with dark grey thunderclouds. The wind was blowing strongly too. It was definitely going to rain today. I made myself a cup of coffee then slowly sipped it as I stared through the window. In the distance lightning flashed. The faint sound of thunder filled my ears. The house was silent which meant Nathan already left or he was still sleeping. Stephen wasn’t there when I woke up so he must’ve been called into work again.

The front door opened as I walked towards the stairs. I froze, staring wide eyed as Stephen entered the house. He smirked at me as he pulled the earphones from his ears.

“Morning baby.”

I was speechless. Stephen had just returned from his jog. Just like yesterday his upper body was bare and covered in sweat. The black shorts hung low on his hips which gave me a glimpse of his Calvin Klein boxers, and that deep V. I sucked in air as my eyes trailed back up his body.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now