Chapter Twenty Four

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THE DRIVE TO THE beach is about four hours away, depending on traffic. Kate and I drove for an hour before stopping.

After getting everything we needed at the shop we all headed to the separate cars. Kate with Nathan and me with Stephen.

He drove his truck and not that sleek silver car. Not that it isn't a beautiful car or anything, it's just that the truck has more space.

Because of the delay caused by Kate's grandmother we ended up stuck in traffic. The cars moved at snails pace, the heat beating down onto us. I sighed leaning slightly forward in the seat. My shirt is sticking to my back, sweat trailing down the skin.

I glanced over at Stephen, he seems totally unaffected by the heat. How do they do that?

"You okay?" He asked softly looking at me.

"I'm hot."

Stephen smirked his green eyes filling with mirth. "Yes you are."

I blushed slapping his thigh which made him chuckle. Turning my head I glanced up at the sky, the sun is starting to set. I can't wait to get out of the truck, not that I don't like being here with Stephen.

"Kate said we are staying at friends house. I take it it's yours?" I looked back at him catching his eyes.

He nodded driving forward as the cars in front of us moved. They stopped again a few seconds later making me sigh.

"Even if I didn't get off at work you would still have stayed there." He said softly placing his hand on my bare leg.

"How did you?"

"I exchanged with one of the other deputies." His hand moved up to the edge of my shorts.

How come he always get to touch me, tease me? I'm sure two can play that game. I kicked off my shoes, unstrapping my seat belt before turning in the seat. Leaning with my back against the door I placed my feet on his thighs.

"This is not a proper way to sit in a car." Stephen said softly but he placed one hand in my leg anyway.

"I remember a day, not so long ago, where I sat like this as well." I paused tilting my head to the side. "You didn't seem to mind much then."

"Ditto baby."

I studied him as we started moving again. He sat relaxed in his seat, one hand on the steering wheel and the other on my leg. He's dressed casually in a pair of faded jeans and a plain T-shirt.

My eyes dropped to his mouth. I licked my lips feeling them tingle as I felt his pressed against mine.

"What's your favourite colour?"

He glanced at me lips twitching. "Cornflower blue."

"Oh." I frowned, he likes blue.

I searched my mind for something else to ask him but drew up blank when he started stroking my leg.


"Mmm?" He slowed the truck again turning to look at me.

Bending my knees slightly I moved my feet lower, between his legs. His body tensed but he said nothing.

"Do you like brownies?"

Seriously Alia! I'm starting to get really nervous. What if this all fails?

"I'm not particularly fond of sweets." His voice changed, something I can't place.

"How come I never get to touch you?" I asked softly keeping my eyes locked on his face.

"You're touching me right now." Stephen licked his lips glancing at me.

"Not like this." I moved before he could say anything. "Like this."

I sat up moving my legs from his lap and leaning forward. I placed a hand on his crotch cupping him through his pants.

A gasp fell from my mouth when his hand closed around my wrist.

"Alia." His voice is low but stern, his hold on my wrist tightening. "No."

Tears filled my eyes but I blinked them back pulling my hand away from him. Moving back in my seat I fastened my seatbelt leaning my head against the window. I tried to be sexy but failed completely.

"Baby." Stephen placed his hand on my leg again.

I moved my leg making his hand drop away. He muttered something softly under his breath. Silence settled after that, the lightness that once surrounded us gone.

The traffic seemed to start moving faster making me sigh in relief. I'll probably never try that again.


I FELT THE DOOR being pulled open large hands placed on my arms to stop me from falling.

Opening my eyes I blinked rapidly trying to clear the sleep. The truck had stopped moving, it's parked in front of a double story house. It's dark all around us, expect for the porch light and some other lights that are on in the house.

"Come on sleepy head." Stephen said softly undoing my seatbelt.

I mumbled something my eyes fluttering close again. Wrapping my arms around his neck I leaned my head against his shoulder as he carried me into the house.

"I can't believe she fell asleep! We were suppose to take some shots to celebrate." Kate yelled from somewhere in the house.

I smiled tightening my arms around his neck. Stephen walked up some stairs and down a dark hall. A door creaked open and a few seconds later I'm lowered onto a bed. I opened my eyes staring up at Stephen as he straightened switching on the bedside lamp.

"I'm going to take off your shorts." He said softly eyes locking with mine.

I nod, I'm too tired to care about the fact that I'm wearing granny panties. He pulled off my shoes placing them at the end of the bed. Unbuttoning my pants he pulled down the zip, his fingers hooked in the band.

Eyes snapped up to mine in question. I lifted my hips in answer watching as he pulled my pants of.

"Are you going to stay with me?"

He paused for a second before shaking his head. "Not tonight baby, get some sleep."

Pulling a thin sheet over my body he pressed a light kiss against my forehead.

"Night Stephen." I whispered as he closed the door behind

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