Chapter Forty Eight

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THERE ARE SOMETIMES IN life where you just feel helplessly alone, no matter how many people surrounds you. It makes you sad and tired and just plain depressed.

In the month after the surgery I've been surrounded by family and friends. I was happy that my parents are talking to me, treating my like their daughter. Happy that Kate has started to visit me, only when Stephen was at work.

Kate and I have been friends for so long, I've never even considered her as a traitor. We told each other everything, talked about or hopes and dreams. Shared our fears, some dreams with each other. I trusted her with my whole life, but it all changed.

Dane had came to visit me one weekend. He's been acting strange and fidgety. Nervous and paranoid. He couldn't sit still without glancing around, like he's searching for something. His parting words however, made me second guess Kate and I's friendship.

Whenever she would come over I would watch her silently. Like Dane had said, she isn't the same Kate we first met. There is something about her, something off. I felt bad for having these doubts, thinking bad about the only friend that was by my side through the bad.

Yet, slowly, but surely everything started to make sense.

It was small things that I noticed, things she usually covered well but has started to slip up. Like the fact that she always wanted to know where Stephen is. The way she always finds an excuse to be in our bedroom. I even caught her searching thought my stuff after telling me that she needed the bathroom.

When I look into her eyes now, all I feel is fear. There's an edge to her, a crazed look in her eyes that made me scared. Scared to be alone in the house with her, so I always made sure Nathan or my mom is with me.

It was on a cold, rainy, Saturday that she caught me off guard. Nathan had to go out for some work, mom was staying in with my sisters and Stephen was called out on a case. I was alone at home enjoying a book and some hot chocolate when she knocked on the door.

"Hey." Stepping aside I opened the door wider allowing her to step inside.

"Hey." Her eyes darted around as she entered. "Thought I'd stop by before heading to pick Derrick up."

Closing the door softly I stepped closer running my hands nervously down my jean glad legs.

"I haven't seen him in a while, how is he?" I asked her softly taking a seat on the couch again.

"He's doing good."

"You should bring him along next time." I smiled frowning when her smile dropped slightly.

We started talking about random shit. After a while an awkward silence started to descent upon us. I shift slightly eyes moving to the time on the TV before moving to her. She's typing on her phone glancing around the house every few seconds.

"Kate?" I sat up licking my dry lips. "I need to ask you something."

"Sure." With a bright smile she placed her phone down giving me her full attention.

I swallowed, moving my eyes away from hers. Opening my mouth, I only got the first words out when the front door opened. My stomach turned as Stephen entered, his whole body tensed when he saw Kate.

Locking eyes with me for a second he closed the door softly walking towards us.

"Kate." He gave her a stiff nod as he passed.

Kissing my cheek he sat down next to me placing his arm around my shoulder. I leaned back against him my body relaxing into his. His lips brushed my hair making my eyes flutter close briefly.

"So you guys seem to be doing well." Kate said loudly making my eyes flutter open.

Although she's smiling her eyes turned freezing cold the moment they locked with mine.

"Yup." I smiled reaching for Stephen's hand.

"Guess you talked things out then huh? About the drugs and all the other shit about your stepmother."

Stephen tensed sucking in a sharp breath. It took a second before he slowly turned his head towards Kate.

"What do you know about my stepmother?" His voice is icy cold.

It's the first time I've heard his voice like that. Seen his eyes blazing in anger as Kate gave him a smirk.

"More than your girlfriend does." Her eyes moved to me lightening up with mirth. "By the look on your face he hasn't told you about her."


I swallowed glancing up at Stephen. He's glaring daggers at her his eyes narrowed and lips pressed together. Clearing my throat I stood silently excusing myself. I entered the bathroom staring at myself in the mirror above the faucet.

Stepmother? He has a stepmother? Why hasn't he told me about it yet? Is she still alive, or is she dead? What about the drugs?

Stephen will tell me about his past when he's ready. I'm happy with everything I know about him. Yeah right, the voice in my head whispered, you're dying to know more about his past. Shaking my head I opened the tab splashing my face with water. Drying my skin I opened the door exiting the bathroom.

My steps flattered as I heard them talking. I walked closer pressing my back against the wall ears straining to hear them.

"I'm warning you Kate." Stephen said making her laugh.

"What are you going to do?" Kate taunted him. "I can't believe you haven't told her."

Told me what? Is there something going on between them? Are they secretly dating? What are they hiding?

"Kate, if you say a word to Alia about any of this, I swear to God I will made you regret it." His voice rose making the hair at the back of my neck rise.

I didn't hear her reply which made me frown. Deciding to make my presence know, I stepped away from the wall and into sight.

Tears welled in my eyes at the sight that greeted me. My chest tightened, heart cracking.

Why is he kissing her?

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