Chapter One

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WIND IN MY HAIR. Sun on my skin and music for my soul. Saturday bliss.


Of course it only lasted- lifting my phone I checked the time- about ten seconds.

Silence is something that is never in this house, unless I'm home alone. Which is rare these days. See I have four siblings, a sister that is about nine years older than me and happily married. A brother that is four years older than me, he left for collage as soon as he finished school. Then my ten year old sister, sometimes I think she's older than she is.

And then there is the newest member, my nine month old sister.

I'm either watching my ten year old sister or stuck with both of them and don't forget the nanny!

My dad is chief of police and my mom, well I'm not really sure what she does. Everyday it's something new.

Then there is me. Alia Julie Dune, the eighteen year old virgin. Yup, good ol' Alia. It fucking sucks I tell you! Everywhere I go people, okay more like teenagers, will stare and whisper. It's not a sin to be a virgin people!

"Alia! Take your sister to the shop." My mom yelled from the kitchen.

I sighed pulling my earphones from my ear before sitting up. The world spined dangerously for a second before stopping. We are a medium income family. There is money for the necessities then some extra for things we might need. My siblings and I get an allowance every month to buy the stuff we need for ourselves.

Technically my older sister doesn't get an allowance anymore, but she borrows money a lot.


"I'm coming!" I yelled getting up with a huff.

Walking up the steps I entered the kitchen. Sam sat in her baby chair on the table clutching a chocolate chip biscuit. Smiling at her I stroked her head before turning to my mom.

"You called?" I said sarcastically winching slightly when she turned to glare at me.

My mom is damn scary when she's mad!

"Take your sister to the shop."

"Why?" My shoulders dropped. "It's Saturday!"

"Don't argue with me young lady! I'm asking you to do something and I'm not saying it twice!"

I pulled a face at her back feeling completely irritated. I can't even enjoy a Saturday afternoon without being told to do something. I walked over to the fridge pulling it open, I slammed it shut again.

"What does she want to do at the shop anyway?"

"I wanna buy stuff for school." My sister said as she entered the kitchen.

Her blond hair is pulled into a high ponytail her slim but tall body dressed in a black and white summer dress. She has three inch heeled shoes on her feet with red lip gloss. Sometimes I'm scared to think that she will be a plastic when she starts high school. Emma is only ten and she already has a boyfriend, two boyfriends to be exact.

"School starts on Monday."

"So?" She rolled her eyes raising an eyebrow.

"It will be finished before school even starts."

"No it won't."

I rolled my eyes walking down the hall to my room. Opening the door I quickly changed into a T-shirt and some jeans. I pulled on my Tommy's, grabbing my car keys and wallet.

"Let's go egghead!" I yelled from the front door slamming it shut behind me as I walked towards my car.

I unlocked it getting in. A few minutes later Emma entered the car telling me which shop she wants to go to.

I got my drivers license when I turned sixteen and got the car when I turned seventeen. Of course it's an old car that my uncle fixed up for me. I love having a car, especially when I want to go out with my friends. Since my dad works late sometimes I don't have to rely on him to drive me around.

Thanks to my monthly allowance I have petrol money.

A few minutes later I parked the car at one of the small local shops. I locked the car following my sister in. My eyes fell on the girl at the cash register. She gave me a small smile, but I know what that smile means. We've been in the shop for a total of two minute's when the whispering and stares started.

It's quite with few people, yet there is a lot of kids from school.

I hate being the center of attention. Hate having them talk about me behind my back. Whisper about my lack of knowledge about sex. Not even the fact that one of my best friends are gay has made the talk of the town. Okay so the talk only lasted about a week, but this has been going on for months.

Ever since that day four months ago it's been like this. My friends and I got invited to a party and we went, though I really regret it. It's the day I accidentally blurted out the fact that I'm a virgin. Apparently someone over heard us talking and soon words spread around.

I'm tired of being the talk of town.

I don't want to be a virgin anymore.

On our way home my mind is filled with different scenario's of how I can give it up.

Just randomly walking up to a guy. "Hey I'm tired of being a virgin, will you fuck me?"

Hell no!

I want it to be special at least, something to remember and not something that I will regret. I've never had a boyfriend in my life, well I don't think dating in second grade counts.

I'm a virgin in every aspect of the word.

With my mind set I walked into my room closing the door softly behind me. I put on some music then logged in to my laptop.


How to loose your virginity fast

I winched at some of the things the search kicked out. The strangeness of it all felt unreal and I'm just about to give up when something caught my attention.

Sell you virginity online.

I'm definitely loosing my virginity before my last year of school ends.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now