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“I won’t ever hurt you Alia,” he said softly.

His eyes trailed over my face and then down my body.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.”

He grabbed the toys and dropped them onto the bed within easy reach. Opening the nightstand drawer, he pulled out some condoms and also dropped them on the bed. I watched him as he walked to the edge of the bed.

“Spread your legs for me baby,” he ordered. “Let me see that pretty little pussy of yours.”

This man sure had a way with words. I spread my legs until I was fully exposed to his lust filled gaze. Stephen climbed on the bed and kneeled between my spread legs.  He gripped my thighs and spread them a little wider. My muscles clenched. I knew I was already soaked. He hasn’t even touched me yet!

Stephen grabbed something from the pile of toys. He held it up for me to see before sliding it over his finger. A second later the sound of vibrations filled the room.

“I’m sorry for avoiding you,” he said.

My body jerked as he pressed the ring against my clit. The vibrations made instant pleasure shoot through me.

“I’m sorry for making you feel like I didn’t want you.” The ring slipped lower over my clit. “I’m sorry for making you cry.”

My back arched off the bed when one of his fingers slipped into my pussy. The vibrations and the added sensation of his finger made me explode within seconds. I tried to catch my breath when he pulled away.

“I love how responsive you are,” he muttered hoarsely.

Stephen leaned forward and grabbed a pillow. “Raise your hips baby. Good girl.”

He placed the pillow beneath my butt which exposed me even more. Curiosity filled me when he pressed my legs together and told me to hold them against my chest. Once again he pressed the vibrator against my clit. He shifted closer which made my butt lift even more.

“Just relax.”

Something else entered my pussy. It felt different– smaller. He moved it in and out as he moved the vibrator up and down my clit. Another orgasm flashed through me making me cry out. My legs were quivering from pleasure and slight pain. I was just about to relax when I felt something pushing against my asshole.

“Relax baby. I promise you that it will feel good.”

I tugged on the handcuffs, as panic flashed through me. I didn’t want him to put something in my butt. Giving out a whimper I tried to turn away from him. It only ended up in me twisting my arms in an awkward angle.

“Alia,” Stephen said softly. “Hey relax baby.”

He gripped my hips and the turned me onto my back again. Stephen hovered over me with one hand cupping my cheek. “I told you to tell me if you want to stop,” he said softly.

“I panicked.”

Something flashed in his eyes but it was gone before I could make sense of it. I felt extremely stupid for panicking instead of just telling him how I felt.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now