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I snuggled deeper under the covers as I turned onto my side. The weather was already starting to change. I could feel the cool air in the mornings and in the evenings. One of these days it’s going to be winter. I was about to fall asleep again when lips brushed against my forehead. My brow furrowed as they continued lower until they reach my lips. My eyes snapped open. Stephen’s face was hovering a few inches from mine.

“Morning sleeping beauty,” he said softly. “Patrick is here to check up on things.”


He chuckled as he straightened. Giving me a wink he placed a cup of coffee on the nightstand. Then without a word he walked out of my room. I stayed in bed for a few more minutes until I remembered Sam. The clock stated that it was already past eight and Sam never slept past eight. Throwing on some clothes, I almost ran down the hall. Her room was empty. With a beating heart I raced down the hall. My steps flattered when I reached the kitchen. The scene that greeted me was unusual– something I never thought I’d ever see. Stephen sat at the table with Sam on his lap. He was feeding her some of her porridge. I had to clutch the wall when my body swayed. He said something to her which made her smile up at him. Tears filled my eyes. He would make such a good father.

“You okay?”

My eyes snapped to Patrick. I nodded as I blinked away the tears. I even managed a smile as I walked further into the kitchen. The smell of eggs made me scrunch my nose up. It’s the one smell that I couldn’t take. It made me want to puke my guts out. 

“Sam has been up since six,” Stephen said softly. “I didn’t want to wake you.”

I clutched the back of the chair in a death grip. My head was spinning.

“You should have,” I forced past my dry lips.

Stephen looked up at me. “You went to bed after midnight. You deserve to sleep in. Are you okay?”

I nodded. My breathing sped up as the temperature started to rise. Stephen was saying something but it felt like I was underwater. The room was tilting dangerous. I clutched the chair tighter but it didn’t help.

“Breathe baby.”

I sucked in air. It still felt like I was going to be sick, but the room had stopped spinning. When the dizziness and the panic faded, I realized I was sitting on the chair with my head between my legs. Fingers were massaging the sides of my neck.

“I’m okay,” I whispered.

The hand at the back of my neck moved to cup my cheek. I slowly looked up. Stephen was kneeling on the floor in front of me. His eyes caught mine briefly before trailing over my face.

“I’m okay.” I covered his hand with mine. “I’m okay.”

“You just fainted,” Patrick stated.

He was standing close to us with Sam in his arms. His brows were furrowed and his eyes filled with concern. My eyes dropped to Sam and then back to Stephen.

“I didn’t see her in her room and I just panicked,” I lied.

I couldn’t look at either of them.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now