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THE FOGGY BLANKET SLOWLY left my mind. My head is pounding, body aching as I slowly sat up. All I can see is darkness, my ears are ringing as the silence surrounds me.

I sucked in a shaky breath instantly regretting it. It smells like death, blood and death. Acid rose in my throat, something I couldn't stop. Getting up on my knees I emptied my stomach.

I stayed where I am curling into myself to make sure I don't touch anything else. How long have I been out for? What happened?

The man.

He had said that I could help him, all I remember is someone grabbing me from behind. A sting in my neck and then the world had faded. Relief washed through me as I remembered the note I had given the cashier. Surely she would have given it to the police, to Stephen or my dad.

Tears filled my eyes put I pushed it away, now is not the time for crying. I need to figure out where I am, find a way to get out of here. I slowly stood using the wall behind me for support. It felt wet beneath my hands making me wince.

My eyes are somewhat used to the darkness, but it's too dark to see anything. Using my hand I stepped to the left, my steps are small. I held my other hand in front of me feeling around in the air. 

My foot hit something but I'm to late to stop my fall, I went tumbling to the floor. Straight into something wet. At that moment a light switched on. I screamed crawling backward on my hands and ass.

In front of me and behind me are bodies. Dead bodies. I hit something behind me and I quickly span around only to move back again. A girl about my age laid there, limps at an strange angle. Her hair that once was a vivid red is now pale and limp. Her skin is deadly pale, bones showing along with bruises and once bleeding scars.

My eyes moved to her face again and I wince. Her eyes are open, staring. Trying to calm my breathing I stood on shaky legs eyes moving around.

They all look the same. Pale, bruised and dead. Some bodies are new, they are still bleeding while others are almost just bones. Biting my lip I stepped carefully making my way back to the place I was in before.

There's a creak and a steel door, I haven't even noticed, is pushed open. A man stepped inside, he's dressing in a suit gun strapped to his hip. The foul smell in the air, didn't even seem to bother him.

          "Come with me."

I hesitated only for a second before getting up and making my way toward him. I have no guarantee that whatever is waiting beyond that door is better. But all I want to do is get out of here.

We walked down a hall, turning corners over and over again until I couldn't make sense of it anymore. What seems like hours later, we reached a set of stairs leading up. The moment the door at the top open. It felt like I'm being transported to another place.

The floor beneath my feet looks like Italian tiles, the walls clean and painted white. There are paintings hung around, flowers everywhere. The air smelt pleasant, like air freshener.

I looked around in confusion, trying to make sense of what just happened. Footsteps approached, a man, like the one next to me, appeared. He held up his hand revealing a black blindfold.

Stepping back from him I searched frantically trying to find an exit. Before I could a tight grip on my arm made me cry out. The man stepped forward once again leaving me in darkness. The blindfold is tied tightly around my eyes.

I tugged into a direction leaving me no choice but to follow. Fear filled me, dread making my stomach turn dangerously. Surely they would know I'm missing by now? They have to be looking for me, right?

I heard a door open, then close. This air smelled different in here, of smoke and something else. The blindfold is removed making me blink rapidly at the sudden bright light. My head snapped around as I heard the door close again.

          "Looks like you decided to explore a little."

Chills moved down my spine at the sound of that voice. The same voice I had heard before being injected. Slowly turning around my eyes fell on the man sitting on the chair behind the desk. His green eyes watched me with amusement.

         "I thought it would be a good idea to let you see what happens to girls that disobey my orders." He stood up walking around the desk towards me.

I took a step back followed by another. The more I stepped back the closer he got. He seems to find this really amusing by the twitch of his lips.

         "W-who are you?" My voice is shaky, fear licking through the cracks. 

         "I thought you would have been able to see the resemblance by now." Smirking he lit a cigarette blowing the smoke through his nose.

I stared at him closely. Studying him. His dark hair is slightly curly, his skin tanned. He's tall and well build, although some of his hair held grey. His eyes locked with mine again and a pang of recognition flashed through me.


          "My son got himself a nice catch." He laughed eyes trailing down my body. "Never thought that would happen. He seemed like the fuck 'em leave 'em type."

Slowly I took another step back reaching behind me for the doorknob.

         "Has he told you what he did to my wife?"

I froze eyes snapping up to his.

        "Locked her up."

        "She raped him every night for years." Tears filled my eyes again. "He had to suffer through all that pain, with self hate, with fear because of what she did!"

          "He's lying!" He yelled grabbing something from the desk. "His fucking lying!"

My eyes dropped to the gun. It's pointed straight at me, the hold unmoving. His eyes stared at me with so much hatred, I've never seen someone filled with so much.

          "I know he loves you." He laughed stepping closer. "My son actually went out to buy you a ring. He loves you. I'm going to make him pay, ruin him like he ruined me the day she got dragged out of the house. I'm going to do to you the same thing he claimed she did to him night after night."

I pulled open the door, making a run for it. The moment I did the gun went off, a second later I felt the piercing pain before everything darkened.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now