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Stephen stared at me silently. His eyes which were resting on my face, was flashing with different emotions, but one stood out– regret.

Shaking my head, I opened the door and slid out of the truck. I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes. He slept with Kate. My boyfriend fucking slept with my best friend. He’s not your boyfriend that little voice in the back of my mind whispered.


I ignored him and trudged deeper into the trees. My chest was tight with pain and that was something that scared me. I wasn't suppose to feel anything.

Nothing! But I did, I felt betrayed and hurt that he slept with my best friend. How much more would I be able to take before I can't get up anymore?

My foot caught on a root making me stumble to the ground. Everything around me was blurry because the tears were finally spilling over. My father hated me because my mom had an affair with his brother, and I was the result. A bastard child.

“Alia?” Stephen called from behind me.

I sucked in a shaky breath before calling out to him. He broke through the trees just as I finished wiping the tears from my cheeks.

“Are you hurt?” His hands gripped my shoulder and then moved down to my legs.

“I'm fine,” I whispered.

His eyes snapped to my face. A strange emotion flashed through his eyes. Without warning he pulled me up into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as he started walking.

A few minutes later I was placed down to sit on the bonnet of the truck. Stephen moved back but I tightened my legs and arms around him. I just wanted him to hold me– it might be the last time he would.

“I'm sorry,” he whispered against my ear. “It was before we met and we were drunk.”

I pulled back but kept my eyes on his chest. He dropped his hands to my thighs and moved back slightly.


“If she wanted to have sex with you again would you do it? Would you sleep with her again?”

“No.” His answer was instant and truthful. “I'm not interested in Kate. Sleeping with her was just a one time thing. Like I said baby, we were both drunk that night. It's something that won't be repeated.”

I finally found enough courage to look up at him. His eyes instantly caught mine. I didn't want to lose this, didn't want to lose him, but I knew sooner or later our arrangement would end.

“Is this the thing that's been bothering you for the past few weeks?” I frowned at him. “I'm not ignorant baby. You haven't been yourself lately and I thought it was because of them watching us. Tell me what's been eating you baby.”

I shook my head. It wasn't his problem. “I'm just a little stressed about school.”

Stephen didn't look convinced. He was about to speak again, but I pressed my lips against his to stop him. The distraction seemed to work perfectly– even if it was only for a few minutes.


“Kate wants us to go to the beach this holiday,” I muttered, breaking the comfortable silence.

His hand that was stroking my hair paused slightly before continuing the action. “She wants to invite the whole group… and you.” I risked a glance up at him.

We were sitting underneath a tree on the blanket. The burgers and fries he got had already been eaten. I sat up and turned to face him.

“I told her that it wouldn't work because we don't have enough time to collect the money. Kate said that all we had to do was get someone who owns a beach house, then all we need is some fuel money.”

“Who's the whole group?” he asked without looking at me.

My eyes trailed over him, taking in his tense shoulders and pursed lips. It felt like he was pushing me away. His eyes refused to meet mine– he was too interested in the birds a few feet away.

“I don't know yet,” I said softly.

Maybe I should end this now. He won't be the only man who I would be having sex with. Like he said, I'm still young and someday I would find the right guy for me.

“Do you want to go?”

My eyes snapped up to his. “My birthday is in two and a half weeks. I'd rather spend it somewhere far from home.” If he heard the note of anger, he didn't acknowledge it. “Plus I've never been to the beach before.”

Stephen chuckled and then pulled me onto his lap. I straddled his legs and placed my hands on his broad shoulders. Today he was wearing casual clothes. My eyes trailed over his face before landing on his lips. His lips parted and his tongue snuck out to lick his bottom lip. My stomach tightened.

A squeal fell from my lips when he spun us around. Seconds later I found myself laying on the blanket with Stephen hovering above me. His eyes caught mine as his hand pushed my shirt up.

A shiver raced down my spine when his hand trailed over my stomach. He traced the underside of my bra before slipping a finger beneath the material. His head lowered and just when his lips were about to meet mine, his phone started ringing.

Our picnic was cut short because Stephen had to return to work. After promising me that he would think about the trip, he dropped me off at the café and then drove off.

The phone call really upset him and that made me even more curious. After standing next to my car for at least two minutes, I finally snapped out of it. I got into the car and glanced at my phone.

There were a few messages from Kate and my sister, but nothing important. If Stephen agreed to go on this trip it'll be the perfect opportunity to lose my virginity.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now