Chapter Twelve

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THE SOUND OF VOICES woke me up. Opening my eyes I blinked rapidly at the bright light suddenly filling the room.

My arms moved in front of me to tighten around the tiny body, only to find nothing.

Sitting up in panic I glanced around finding the room empty. Where's Derrick?

             "He's with Kate." Stephen entered the living room giving me a small smile.

           "You're back." My voice is croaky from sleep, my eyes already fluttering close again.

They didn't return at ten. Nathan has spoken to him on the phone and told me that the guy hasn't showed up yet.

I guess I must have fallen asleep while watching the movie.

             "Hey." Stephen knelt in front of me his hand moving the hair from my face. "Let's get you to bed."

            "Did it work?" I asked him ignoring his words.

I need to know if it worked. Need to know if Kate and Derrick will be safe now that he has the money.

              "Yes, now no more questions." Smiling he stood pulling me up with him.


Wrapping an arm around my waist he bend hooking the other under my knees. I gasped clutching his shoulders as he lifted me.

Leaning my head against his shoulder, I closed my eyes exhaustion flashing through me. He started climbing the stairs slowly after flicking off the light. Moving my face I brushed my lips against his neck making him freeze.

Repeating the action, I used my tongue this time licking the skin of his neck. Stephen shuddered his arms tightening around me as he continued up the stairs.

Pushing the door open with his shoulder he kicked it shut behind us.

A few seconds later my back hit the mattress as he lowered me to the bed. Opening my eyes I stared up at him watching as he switched on the bedside lamp.


I leaned up wrapping one hand around his neck then smashed my lips on his. Stephen froze for a few seconds then his lips moved.

With a groan he pushed me back onto the bed his body coming down on top of mine. His tongue slipped into my mouth stroking mine as his hand moved down my side.

Moving his lips from mine he trailed them down my neck sucking and nibbling my skin. I moaned moving my hands to his hair tugging.

Pulling his lips back to mine I trailed my hands down his back to the hem of his shirt. Tugging the material he pushed himself up pulling the shirt over his head.

My eyes dropped to his chest taking in his tattooed skin down to his toned stomach and the deep 'v'.

Stephen pulled my shirt off dropping it on the floor with his. Lowering his head his lips caught mine again. He hooked an arm around my waist shifting me to the middle of the bed.

Sitting up his fingers hooked in the band of my pants pulling it down my legs.

My body heated as his bare skin moved against mine, his lips tasting, teeth nibbling. A strange sensation filled my stomach as he sucked one of my nipples into his mouth. His other hand massaging its twin.

            "S-Stephen." Arching my body I clutched his hair moans falling from my lips.

He whispered something against my skin leaning up to glance down at me. "So fucking sexy."

              "P-please." I tilted my hips upwards moaning as his erection hit just the right spot. "Oh."

             "That's it, baby." Hooking his arm around my waist his lips captured mine again.

Stephen followed my movement, his hips thrusting against mine. Pulling his lips from mine he moaned his eyes locking with mine as he sped up.

               "Oh god!" I cried out nails digging into his skin as my first orgasm moved through me.

My legs quivered, breath coming out in pants when he continued to move. Opening my eyes I stared up at him. He's eyes are closed, cheeks flushed pink. My eyes dropped to his lips, his bottom lips is caught between his teeth.

              "Alia." He said my name hoarsely his movement stopping as his body shuddered above mine.

Burying his face in the crook of my neck he slumped against me, his weight pressing me into the bed.

Exhaustion flooded me as my heartbeat and breathing slowed to normal. Closing my eyes I trailed my hands down his sleek back.

Stephen groaned lifting himself up onto his elbows. Opening my eyes I stared up at him, my cheeks heating as his eyes trailed lower.

              "I haven't done anything like this since college." Stephen said softly his voice husky.

I had no words. My mind is mush, my body completely satisfied. He shifted slightly his hand trailing down my side and over my hip. I gripped his hand before he could move it any lower.

Technically we didn't have sex, not exactly, more like..


Blinking rapidly my attention snapped back to his as his fingers moved against my cheek.

           "Are you okay?"

          "I'm tired." I whispered leaning into his touch.

Nodding he brushed his lips against mine then got up from the bed. I groaned in embarrassment as his eyes trailed over my half naked body.

I'm not very comfortable with my body. I don't have a flat stomach or a gap between my legs.

I have thick thighs, love handles and some stomach fat. Because of my height I tend to pack fat around that areas. At least I have an ass and medium sized boobs.

              "You know, the first thing you need to learn is to be comfortable with your body." As he spoke he pulled down his jeans standing in his boxers.

             "I am comfortable!"

He raised an eyebrow leaning down with his face inches from mine. "Really? I know you're itching to cover up."

My eyes dropped from his trailing down his chest to the forming bulge in his boxers. Pressing my tights together I licked my lips looking up at him again.

              "Get some sleep, baby." Kissing my forehead he straightened. "We can play some more tomorrow."

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now