Chapter Nine

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MY DAD IS BEYOND pissed for some reason. He ignored my mom completely his hand around Stephen's neck tightening.

Without thinking of my action I got off the bed ignoring my shaky legs. I made my way towards them gripping my father's arm.

             "Dad!" I pulled at his arm my eyes moving to Stephen in concern.

He can barely breath!

           "Oh God."

I stumbled back searing pain flashing through my jaw. He hit me! My mom cried kneeling next to me her eyes filling with tears.

               "Are you fucking her?" My dad yelled slamming him back against the wall again. "She's ten years younger than you! She's fucking seventeen!"

His green eyes locked with mine before dropping to my jaw. I watched in surprise as he moved, seconds later my dad laid on the floor cubing his nose.

Stephen hit my dad. Nobody has dared to do that before, they're too scared of him to do that. He has a nasty temper, one that has gotten him arrested numerous times when he was younger.

Ignoring my mom, I crawled over to Stephen. As soon as he hit my father he had slid down the wall in a coughing fit. One hand massaged his neck while the other reached out for me.

Touching his neck gently I felt tears burning behind my eyes as I saw the bruises already forming.


           "Shh." His hand cubed my face fingers moving lightly over my jaw. "Does it hurt bad?"

I shook my head, it's only a dull throb now. Nothing compared to how he must be feeling at the moment.

             "What happened here?" A nurse, the same one from earlier entered.

She rushed to my father still laying on the floor, my mother kneeling next to him.

              "He's nose is broken, it needs to be set." She turned to Stephen looking him over before her eyes fell on me. "Oh dear."

             "Get her some ice." Stephen ordered the nurse.

She hurried out of the room reappearing a few minutes later with a doctor and two other nurses. The doctor and nurses walked to my dad while the other nurse walked to us.

Stephen took the ice pack from her. He pulled me gently onto his lap pressing the icepack to my jaw.

I watched silently as they helped my dad up and over to the bed. My mom stood at the end gripping his hand as they set his nose. Bandaging it the doctor turned to us.

             "I need to check your neck, make sure he didn't damage anything."

I stood holding on to the wall with one hand and the icepack with the other. My eyes moved to my parents again, pain flashed through me as I saw the disappointment in their eyes.

Why are they looking at me like that?

               "I think it would be best if you stay the weekend at your friends house." My mom said softly as she stepped towards me. "By Sunday your father will be calm enough so we can talk."

I wanted to object, tell them that I'd rather be at home, but I didn't want to. Maybe staying away this weekend will be a good thing. I can go to Kate, maybe go with her when she goes to give that guy the money.


My mom gave me a small smile before turning back to my father. She held onto his arm as they walked out of the hospital room leaving me alone. I don't even have my phone to call anyone.

Why didn't she say I have to stay at my elder sister?

Blinking back the tears I walked towards the bed sitting down on the edge. Dropping the icepack next to me I touched my jaw winching.

            "It's going to bruise."

My eyes snapped up falling on Stephen standing in the doorway. His lips pulled up into a smile, but I could tell that its fake. My dad almost killed him, and I don't know why.

              "I'm s-sorry!" The tears fell then a sob falling from my lips.

Arms wrapped around my body pulling me against a warm chest. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders I pressed my face against his neck as I cried.

Everything is just getting to much.

              "Shh." Stephen said softly one hand moving to my back. "It's okay, everything is okay."

             "N-no it's not!" I pulled back wiping the tears from my cheeks as I looked at him. "It's my f-fault! If I-I-"

            "No." He cubed my cheeks forcing my eyes to meet his. "It's not your fault, baby. None of this is your fault, okay?"

I nodded sucking in a shaky breath as I tried to stop the tears. If it's not my fault then who's is it? I don't understand!

             "Your mother said that you have to stay at a friends house, right?" Stephen asked softly his hands dropping to the bed. "Will your friend be able to come over to my house?"

             "Why?" I frowned searching his face as his eyes dropped.

            "I'm willing to help, but then she has to do what I ask of her. Going alone will be too dangerous, I'm going with her but my concerns are about her kid."

Made sense. We don't know how dangerous this man is, we don't know him at all! What if he hurts Kate after she gives him the money?

              "Stephen." I whispered tears brimming at my eyes again. "W-what if it doesn't w-work?"

Smiling he leaned forward his lips brushing my forehead softly as his hands moved to my tights.

             "It will work."

My body relaxed against his a small sigh falling from my lips as his hands trailed higher up my tights.

His fingers brushed the edge of my school skirt as his lips trailed over my cheek. They brushed over my jaw where I'm sure the bruise is already forming.

              "Stephen." My hands gripped his biceps eyes fluttering close.

Slowly his lips moved to mine. He paused slightly, his nose brushing mine as his breath fanned my face.


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