Chapter Twenty Five

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I GROANED TURNING ONTO my back. I've been awake for a few minutes and no matter what I do I can't seem to fall back asleep again.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I sat up allowing my eyes to trail around the room. The room is medium sized but simple with pastel green colours. To the left is a large window with a window seat, a closet to the left. At the right side of the room is a door that led into the bathroom.

The sun is just starting to rise in the horizon. I can hear the calm sounds of the waves crashing against the shore. My lips pulled up into a smile.

Getting up I found my bag against the wall. Searching through it I pulled out a white thin strapped dress, and some underwear.

I took a quick shower. Leaving my hair to air dry I stepped out of my room and into to hall. There are four other doors that are closed. The house is completely silent, guess everyone is still sleeping.

Walking down the stairs silently I came face to face with the front door. I frowned turning to the right. In front of me is an open space living room, I took the small step down eyes trailing around.

The walls are painted a cream colour, a three seat leather couch facing a flat screen TV with two single couches on either side. The TV is mounted against the wall above a stone fireplace, a wooden coffee table is in the middle on top of a thick cream carpet.

To the right of the living room is an open plan kitchen, a small table suitable for five is to the left. There is a sliding door leading out onto a wooden patio. Sliding the door open I stepped out into the slightly cool morning air.

The beach is within walking distance of the house. Glancing behind me a little uncertainly I took the three steps down onto the beach. The soft sand felt strange beneath my feet, the air smelt fresh, of sea.

I can't believe I'm actually here, at the beach. For the first time in my life I get to see the ocean, I smile.

Two strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind making me gasp.

"Morning baby." His lips brushed my ear as he spoke causing a shiver to run through me.

"Morning." I wrapped my arms over his leaning back against his chest.

"How'd you sleep?" Stephen asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Okay, thank you." I glanced at him over my shoulder. "And you?"

"You weren't next to me, I slept like shit."

I giggled turning around to face him. My eyes instantly dropped to his bare chest, he's only wearing some black shorts. Hell, he looks so fucking edible.

"Do you want to go out for some breakfast?" His hands dropped to my hips his face lowering towards mine.

"Nah ah." Wrapping my arms around his neck I pulled him down pressing my lips against his.

He smiled, but pressed his lips against mine harder. I moaned opening my mouth for his tongue to slip inside. Burying my hands in his hair I pressed my body closer to him.

His erection began to swell against my stomach making my panties dampen.

"Stephen." I sucked in a breath tilting my head to the side as his lips trailed down my neck.

His hands moved to my ass lifting me up so I had no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist. Turning he walked back towards the house. He entered through the sliding door placing me down on the nearest surface.

The table.

His lips caught mine again as his hands trailed up my legs.

"Stephen." My eyes fluttered open locking with his lust filled ones. "Please Stephen."

"Fuck baby." He nibbled my bottom lip. "Don't look at me like that, I want to fuck you on this table."

I moaned my stomach tightening, his words send a shiver down my spine.

"Then fuck me."

He groaned lips slamming onto mine as one hand moved under my dress. I clutched his shoulders as he moved my panties aside. His finger found my clit, circling it.

"You're so wet." Stephen breathed slowly slipping a finger inside me. "So tight."

It feels so good. His finger slipped in and out making my breathing speed up. He added another finger his thumb putting light pressure on my clit.

I moaned, head thrown back as his lips trailed lower to my chest. He nibbled and sucked the skin making pleasure spike through me.

"Stephen please!"

His fingers started to speed up, thumb putting more pressure onto my bud. I'm so close, the familiar pull started in my stomach.

Stephen tightened his arm around my waist pulling me closer to the edge of the table. He curled his fingers hitting that spot inside me. I cried out digging my nails into his skin as my legs tensed.

My eyes fluttered open, my breathing slowly returning to normal. Stephen had already fixed my panties and my dress. Pulling back slightly I looked up at him, he smiled at me.

"You okay?"

I nod leaning my forehead against his shoulder. His skin is warm and slightly sweaty yet he still manages to smell amazing.

"What about you?" I whisper sliding my hands down his chest to the band of his pants.

"I'll take a cold shower." He pulled back slightly making my hands drop.

"I want to touch you." My eyes locked with his. "I want to please you like you always do to me."

Stephen smiled pecking my lips. "If I allow you to touch me, we will have a repeat of last time and that can't happen."


"For one, I don't have any condoms and I know you're not on birth control. And second thing is the fact that you're not eighteen yet."

"It's only five days until my birthday." I pointed out tracing his six pack.

"I know." He smirked at me. "And I can't wait for the day I can make love to you."

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now