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“When did you find out?” Stephen asked softly.

My body tensed against his. Stephen hasn’t said a word on the drive home or when we got home. He had silently led me up the stairs and into his room. Stephen left me in his bedroom while he ran a bath. He had surprised me by getting in along with me. That’s where we were now; sitting in the bathtub. He was using the sponge to drop water on my upper body.

“That day Kate showed up,” I whispered. “When I was in the bathroom I took them.”

“Are they accurate?”

“Yes. I got the best on the market.”

We fell silent again. I wasn’t sure how to act around him. He wasn’t yelling at me or throwing me out of his house. Stephen was sitting with me in the bathtub. He was holding me.

“Are you mad at me?”

“Why would I be mad at you baby?” His arms wrapped around my waist. “As far as I’m aware it takes two to tango. Beside it was my responsibility to take care of you.”

“We always used protection,” I muttered with heated cheeks.
“I’m aware,” he paused. “I would’ve noticed if the condom broke when I took it off.”

“Do you expect me to get an abortion?” I questioned. “I-“

“No,” he cut me off. “I don’t expect that from you nor would I ever ask you to get one. I’ll understand if you want to.”

My hands moved to my stomach. I stared down at the bump that was just starting to show. Just imagining out baby growing inside me made my heart swell with love. I blinked when Stephen covered my hands with his. He pressed a kiss against my shoulder.

“I won’t allow you to do this alone. I’ve seen firsthand what raising a baby alone could do to a woman when my mother tried to raise me herself.”

“What do you mean? You said your mother died in child birth.”

His body tensed against mine. I was waiting for him to push me away and clamp shut. Stephen pressed another kiss against my shoulder.

“I lied,” he said softly.

I turned to glance at him over my shoulder. His eyes were closed but he opened them as if he could feel me looking at him.


“I didn’t want you to know that I grew up in the slums. My life was shit and I knew that if I told you then you would want to know more. I wasn’t ready to tell you about me.” He smiled and then reached up to stroke my cheek. “We barely knew each other.”

“We still don’t Stephen,” I reminded him. “You know more about me than I know about you.”

“Mmm,” he hummed.

I narrowed my eyes at him when his hand trailed up my stomach to cup my breast.

“I know every inch of you.”

My body instantly reacted to his touch. A moan slipped past my lips when he started massaging my sensitive breasts. He nibbled the skin of my neck and shoulder.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now