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MY DAD SAT SILENTLY, his eyes focused on me. I can feel the tears dripping down my cheeks. Isn't he going to say anything? Why isn't he yelling and demanding me to call Stephen so he can beat the shit out of him. I need him to do something, anything!


"I always knew the way you met was a lie." He interrupted me softly. "I could tell, but because your mother told me not to butt in, I didn't."

He gave me a small smile before dropping his eyes to the floor.

"I don't know what to say Alia. I am disappointed in you for doing that, but I can't exactly punish you now." He breathed out running a hand down his face. "I guess I should be thankful that he saw the ad, in a way he saved you, but in the end you still got kidnapped."

"Not because of the ad."

"No, because of his father." Our eyes locked, he gave me a small smile. "Stephen told me about it. We talked before he left."

Letting out a shaky laugh I leaned back in the chair closing my eyes. So he knew why I was kidnapped and he knows how we met.

"Why didn't you stop him?" I cried wiping my nose with the back of my hand.

"It wasn't my decision to make Alia." My dad leaned forward his eyes trailing over my face. "He had his mind set on the fact that you would hate him once you find out. I didn't try to stop him, I did want him to leave you alone."

"Why? I needed him there with me!" I yelled jumping up. "I needed him there by my side-"

"No!" He stood glaring down at me. "You thought you needed him. Stephen would not have been able to help you, just like none of us were. You needed to help yourself, needed to accept what happened. If he was there you wouldn't be who you are today. You were only nineteen Alia, nineteen and you've been through all that shit. You needed to learn how to do things on your own. All that you've been through, you grew up faster than anyone else. If he was there then you would have depended on him. You learned to move on, because he wasn't there. He's not always going to be there, nobody is."


THE CLOCK TICKED LOUDLY in the silent room. I stared up at the ceiling with my dad's words repeating in my head. I think that a part of what he did was right. If Stephen stayed, where would I be now? Would I still have left town to go on my own?

It didn't lessen the pain. I still feel that ache in my chest whenever I think of that day. That letter. I swallowed the tears, sitting up on the edge of the bed. Glancing at the clock a sigh fell from my lips, the family will be here in half an hour. Because of the accident the birthday party was postponed, and now, four weeks later we are having a barbeque to celebrate.

Grabbing some clothes, I took a quick shower dressing in some jeans and a plain T-shirt. My father is busy in the kitchen. Giving him a small smile I started on the salad while he marinated the meat.

My aunt and uncle arrived first with Emma and Sam followed by my sister and Patrick. My eyes fell on little Ruth, she was born three months ago. Tyler and Patrick's second child.

"Want to hold her?" Tyler smiled stepping closer towards me.

I nodded quickly wiping my hands before taking her. She gurgled making my smile widen. Her body is so small, chubby cheeks flushed pink, her blue eyes are wide.

"Hey baby." I said softly making another giggle fall from her lips. "Oh you think I'm funny huh?"

"You are pretty funny." Patrick entered the kitchen searching through the fridge. "Sometimes."

"Shut up!"

He faked gasped reaching out to take Ruth from me. "Don't use that language in front of my daughter."

Rolling my eyes I watched them walk out into the backyard. I stood by the window staring at them. My aunt sat at the table with Tyler, my dad, uncle, and Patrick stood by the grill talking. I looked at the kids playing, then at Ruth in Patrick's arm. I want that, my own family. My own baby.

The urge inside me started again. It made my stomach, tighten. I want a baby so bad, it made tears fill my eyes by just thinking about it. Shaking the thoughts away I poured some snacks into bowls carrying it out.

I joined my aunt and Tyler at the table. Hours passed with laughter and old memories being retold. I listened to my dad as he told us how he and mom met. It made tears fill my eyes by just listening. A part of me still feels guilty for not talking to her when I had the chance too.

I miss her.

When everyone left I helped clean up before grabbing my phone and walking out back. Taking a seat on one of the chairs, I glanced up at the sky before dialing his number. The phone rang twice before he answered.

Just hearing his voice made tears fill my eyes. Hell, I fucking miss him so much.

"What's wrong?" Stephen asked after a few minutes of small talk.

Swallowing the lump in my throat I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"Remember at the hospital, what you said?"

"I remember."

Silence settled between us as I tried to build the courage.

"Alia?" Stephen broke the silence first.

"I-" I stopped not really sure of what to say, how to say it. "Stephen, I know that, that you're probably busy and that you have stuff to do and shit. I know that there is a huge age difference between us and that you will want to move on w-with someone else-"


"I know what you said in the car and I know that you only said that to make me feel better. You would never want to stick with someone as broken as me. A-and that's okay, I'll b-be happy for you. B-but I need to ask you one thing." I sucked in a deep breath speaking again before he could. "I want you to give me a baby."

I heard his sharp intake of breath, then the shocked silence followed. With a shaky hand I moved the hair from my face.

"P-please say something." I whispered gripping the phone tighter.

"You want me to be a sperm donor?" He let out a harsh laugh making my stomach drop. "I'm not going to be a fucking sperm donor, Alia."

"Okay." I pulled the phone from my ear ending the call.

A sob fell from my lips. I couldn't stop the tears from falling anymore. Why can't I just have a little happiness?

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now