Chapter Twenty Seven

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THE SUN HAD DISAPPEARED behind the dark clouds as we returned home. I had to give my statement to the police who was called. Kate drove me home leaving Stephen and Nathan behind.  

            "Are you sure you don't want to come?" Kate asked softly watching from the doorway.

I shook my head sitting down on the edge of the bed. She hesitated slightly her eyes moving around the room.

           "Go, I'll be fine."

With a small smile she walked out of the room closing the door softly behind her. I sat there silently for a few more minutes before getting up. Changing into my one piece swimsuit I grabbed a towel making my way out of the house.

The water is cold against my feet, I shivered slightly but walked in further. I need a distraction from my trouble thoughts, the only thing I can think of is swimming. As the water lapped at my hips I realized that it's rougher than usual. The wind has also picked up.

Guess swimming is out of the question. Turning I made my way back to shore taking a seat on the sand. Wrapping the towel around my shoulders I stared off into the angry waves.

If Nathan didn't pull him off, would he have stopped? He could have killed the man.


I tensed pulling the towel closer around me. Stephen walked closer towards me, slowly sitting down.  

             "Are you mad at me?" He asked softly.

I ignored him glancing at him from beneath my lashes. My eyes fell on his bruised knuckles, they are still slightly bloody.

             "You could have killed him." I whispered turning to stare at the ocean again.

             "He was going to take you."

Shaking my head I got up walking back into the house. How do I make him understand? What he did was wrong, even if he had a good reason. He could have gotten arrested if...

              "I'm sorry Alia!"

I span around glaring at him. "Sorry doesn't justify that you have beaten up a guy so bad that he had to go to the hospital. You weren't stopping!"

Tears blurred my eyes making anger rise. I should not be crying! There's no reason to cry, it happened it's over with.

             "I know!" Stephen took a step closer. "Please Alia."

           "You shot a man." I whispered hearing his sharp intake of breath. "Without reason."


I should have listened to the warning in his voice but I didn't. If I had things would have gone better.

            "You just killed him, just like that. Is that why you became a police officer? To commit a crime and get away with it?"

           "I had a reason!" His voice boomed around the empty kitchen.  "He knew we didn't have any evidence, that we couldn't do anything. That sick bastard knew it and he took advantage of that."

I frowned taking a step back as he moved toward me. He's large body intimidating mine, his eyes are dark with anger, mouth set in a grim line.

            "His daughter. He molested his own daughter. For years and no one noticed. She called the police and we went out. There was no evidence, but I saw it. When we walked out of that house he was smirking. He knew and he was planning on doing it again and again."

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now