Chapter Ten

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HE CAUGHT MY TOP lip between his slowly pulling back then doing the same with my bottom lip.

My stomach tightened, unknown sensations filling me. Leaning closer to him I copied his action, I wrapped my lips over his top lip.

I have no words to describe what I'm feeling.

His lips sped up against mine, his teeth nibbling my bottom lip making a moan fall from my mouth.

Stephen's hands on my tights tightened pulling me closer against him. My breasts are pressed against his chest, my legs on either side of his narrow hips.

Letting go of my tight with one hand, he wrapped his arm around my waist. His hips thrust forward, it caused me to break away from his lips. I sucked in a shaky breath my eyes snapping up to his.

His eyes are dark, pupils dilated, cheeks flashed pink and lips swollen.

He repeated the action pressing his hard length between the apex of my tights. I moaned my hands tightening in his shirt.

Leaning down his lips caught mine again, this time his tongue traced my bottom lip. Parting my lips I moaned again as his tongue slipped inside.

Unfortunately the fun had to stop at some point.

           "Excuse me?" Someone spoke up from the doorway.

Stephen pulled his lips from mine turning his head to the intruder.

          "The release papers has been signed. Here's her description, they will explain how she needs to drink it at the pharmacy." The nurse stepped forward handing him a white slip before walking away. 

           "Let's go."


WE STOPPED AT THE pharmacy first. After getting the pills the woman that helped us explained how the medicine should be used. She also gave me a small leaflet with information on, something the hospital should have done.

After that we drove in the direction of my house. The car is filled in silence. He hasn't said a word about the kiss, he's a good kisser. Not that I have anyone to compare him too, only the stories I've head.

Apparently there are a lot of different ways of kissing. I've heard it all from Delilah. Some kisses are too sloppy, some with too much force. Then there are those with stinky breath.

Do I have bad breath? Did I do it wrong? Is that why he hasn't said anything?

          "Do you want me to come with you?"

I blinked realizing that we had pulled to a stop in front of my house.

          "N-no." I shook my head giving him a small smile before getting out of the car.

I uses the spare key to unlock the house, placing it back under the mat I entered the house. It's completely silent, I can hear the clock in the living room ticking.

Licking my dry lips I walked toward my room. Grabbing an old bag I packed some casual clothes, my toothbrush and hair brush. Pushing my phone charger into the small space I straightened. I think I have everything, my eyes fell on my school bag.

I bit my lip. I have a test to study for on Monday. If I'm staying at Kate's for the weekend we can study together.

Picking up my school bag and the one with my clothes I walked out of the house. Stephen stood leaning against the side of the car. His arms are crossed across his chest as he stared off into space.

           "I'm done."

His eyes snapped to mine instantly his body straightening. Taking the bags from me he placed it into the back.

          "Kate's house isn't far from mine." I told him as soon as I sat in the passenger seat.

         "You're not staying at Kate for the weekend." He said softly making me frown.


Slowing at a red light, I jumped slightly as he placed his hand on my bare tight. My eyes snapped up to his. He's smirking down at me, his eyes locking with mine as his hand trailed higher.

          "This weekend, I'll be your teacher and you will be my student." Giving my leg a squeeze  he turned back to the front as the light turned green. 

I'll be his student? What the hell does he mean? Is he going to help me study or what?

A few minutes passed before he slowed again, this time turning into a drive way.

I climbed out of the car staring up at the house in front of me. It's modern, looks more like a mansion than a home, but it's beautiful none the less. 

We parked in front of a double garage door. A small path led up to the front door, two pillars stood on either side.

Stephen unlocked the door pushing it open before standing aside for me to enter.

I stepped into an open plan living room. Taking the small step down my eyes trailed over the living room. Their are grey leather couches with a glass coffee table in the middle. A 70" flat screen TV is mounted against the wall above a large fireplace. Beyond the living room is glass windows leading out onto a patio. To the left is the kitchen, it looks like something out of a magazine.

The staircase is in the middle, the kitchen to the left and another room to the right.

It's an open landing, meaning if you stand at the top you're able to see down into the living room.

The colour combinations are perfect for a man, definitely a bachelor's house.

          "Text your friend, tell her to come here in half an hour and that she should bring her kid with her." Stephen spoke up drawing my attention to him.

Without waiting for a reply he began walking up the stairs with my bags. Shaking my head I followed him up the stairs and into a large bedroom.

A queen size bed is pushed up against the wall across from the door. On either side are two bedside tables with lamps on them. To the right if the room is two glass doors leading out into a balcony.

A desk is pushed up against the wall, a door leading into a closet and another into a bath room.

Like downstairs, a flat screen TV is mounted against the wall across from the bed.

Stephen placed my bags at the end of the bed straightening and turning to face me. 

His eyes trailed over my body making a shiver of awareness run through me.

         "You look really sexy in your school uniform."

A blush spread up my cheeks making him chuckle. Walking towards me he stopped a few inches away.

          "Do you really want to loose your virginity?"

Do I? A few weeks ago I wanted to give it up so desperately that I did something stupid. I was willing to sleep with a total stranger.

But then I met him.

My eyes locked with his. The memory of our kiss in the hospital entered my mind making my body heat and my lips tingle.


I want to loose my virginity to him.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now