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“My name is Alia Dune. I’m a fighter. My name is Alia Dune. I’m a fighter,” I repeated out loud.

Darkness surrounded me. It was cold. So cold. I wrapped my arms tighter around my legs as I rocked back and forth. My stomach grumbled. In a few hours someone would bring water and then it’ll make the hunger fade.

“My name is Alia Dune. I’m a fighter.”

“Shut the fuck up!”

I flinched, snapping my mouth close. My back pressed painfully into the wall, but I was too afraid to move. Something hit the metal. I pressed my hands against my ears as they started screaming. They were fighting for water. Something hit the wall again. More screams followed.

And then it fell silent.


“You look like shit my pet,” he muttered.

I kept my eyes on the ground. Looking at him made me want to cry. Cry because I was stuck with him. Stephen hadn’t come yet. He wasn’t going to come for me.

“I’ve been told what a good girl you’ve been.” His hand stroked my hair. “Good girls get rewards.”

His footsteps echoed around the empty room as he walked away. My body slowly relaxed when the door closed. He was leaving. No more pain and no more pretending.


I glanced up at the man crouched in front of me. He held a bowl filled with something that smelt good. I looked back up at him.

“He said I can give you some food. I stole some porridge. It’ll build up some of your strength.”

“H-how long?”

He pursed his lips. “Four months. I’m going to get you out of here Alia. I promise.”

Promises meant nothing. Stephen wasn’t searching for me anymore. He told me. The police announced me dead after he planted a body. I saw her before they killed her– she looked like me.


I took the bowl from him and slowly started to eat. It tasted good. I tried to eat everything but I couldn’t. He took the bowl and straightened. I looked up at him.

“Hold on to the memories Alia. It’s the only thing that will keep you sane.”


He wanted to see me. His men came to get me. They tied my hands behind my back and blindfolded me. I knew the way to his office. We weren’t going to his office today. My body started to shake. When he took me somewhere else it was for punishment. I didn’t do anything wrong. I kept my mouth shut and did what he ordered. We stopped and then a door opened.

It creaked loudly in the silence. With a hard push I stumbled forward. The door slammed shut loudly behind me. I winced when the blindfold was ripped from my eyes.

“Nice to see you again,” he muttered. His eyes trailed over me. They lingered before moving over my shoulder.

“Lock the door,” he said to whoever stood by the door.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now