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The kitchen was a mess. Broken glass and other debris laid on the floor along with blood. My hands were still covered in dry blood. My mind was still filled with memories of the dead body. Two hours ago backup arrived to help us. I had watched them carrying out the dead man, and then the one that was injured. They said they doubt that he would make it. Stephen was giving them the details about what happened while I sat on the couch. I was past being exhausted. My body had shut down but my mind wouldn’t. I tugged the blanket tighter around my body. It was cold. I felt cold. It could’ve been me that died. Or Stephen. I would’ve lost him even before we started our life together. Our child would grow up without a father.


My eyes snapped up. Stephen was crouched in front of me. He hesitated slightly before placing his hand on my knee. “I’m going to call Patrick to come pick you up.”

I shook my head. He wanted me gone; away from him. I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t leave him after what just happened. What if they came back? What if they manage to kill him?

“Alia I need you somewhere safe.”

“No,” I croaked. “I don’t want to put anyone else in danger. Especially Tyler. She’s pregnant Stephen and she already has her own stuff to worry about.”

He squeezed my knee as he opened his mouth to speak.

“She’s right.” I looked up at the man standing next to us. He gave me a small smile before looking back at Stephen. “We don’t know if it was an attempt of her life or yours. Putting anyone else in danger is a big risk. Besides it’ll best if you stay here, just in case something happens. A few of us will be staying here so you will have backup.”

“Fine,” Stephen said. He got up and walked away without looking at me.

“Is he really in danger?” I questioned before the man could walk away. I could see the hesitation in his eyes as he glanced down at me.

His eyes moved to Stephen. “Your man is a bad ass cop. He has gotten a bunch of guys arrested for drug dealing and human trafficking. With the new case about the missing girls, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone wanted to silence him. Don’t worry about. Stephen is a big motherfucker, he’s good at what he does.”

The fear in me rose as I watched him. He stood to the side talking with an officer before moving into the kitchen. I’ve seen the photos of those girls. I pressed a hand against my mouth as I felt the bile rise. The blanket slipped from my shoulders as I struggled to my feet. I barely took a few steps before throwing up. Someone appeared at my side and started rubbing my back. Another hand moved the hair from my face. My body was shaking so badly I could barely stand on my own. The temperature had also risen which made me feel even worse.


“I’m here,” he said softly against my ear. “Are you done?”

I nodded. An arm wrapped around my waist. I was swung up into his arms. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I buried my face against his chest. Stephen carried me into his bedroom. After washing the blood from my hands, he placed me in the shower. He made sure to wash every inch of my body. Stephen dressed me in one of his shirts and then carried me to the bed.

“I’m sorry baby,” he whispered as he stroked my cheek. “I should have made sure you were okay.”

“I’m just tired.” I placed my hand over his to keep him touching me.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now